Chapter 26

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Singing isn't my forte but beating up someone is!

I know that my singing skills had reached the point of being too unbelievable.

It is simply, utterly and truly not for the ears.

Anyways, all I can do is to smile at their dark, weary looking faces as we left the KTV. We're now on our way to the train and only halfway through reaching it when Feng Mian said.

"Yep, no more singing for you"

"Why?!" I immediately protested, since it's my right to voice out my will- I mean my voice, it's unfair to receive this kind of treatment.

"I'm on Feng Mian's side" Ming Chen suddenly chided in as he winked at Feng Mian earning another glare from her.

" too...sorry Liu Ying" Aifen said with a shy, timid voice. Of course I couldn't get angry at her since she's my darling Aifen!

"The case is now close, anyone wants to defend her?" Wei Xiu started a vote and when he saw that there's no one trying to say anything against Liu Ying, he clapped his hands and said. "The meeting is adjourned"


That sly, fox, black bellied bastard!

"Do you think I won't beat you?" I glare menacingly at his back.

He stopped walking and strode towards me in a serious manner, then he lowered his body and gazed at me with his black pools.

"Do you think I won't retaliate?" His voice still a bit rough from the singing, he sounded like a rouge wanting to eat someone's tofu.

My eyes narrowed and instantly kicked his shin but of course, if he didn't fight he wouldn't be the Wei Xiu I knew.

This is also a scheme to let my darling Aifen to realize that when Wei Xiu gets angry, he can physically hurt a man more less a woman.

"Here they go again" Feng Mian said in passing as she look at us with boredom.

"Aren't they like the two of us?" Ming Chen said with a slight flirty tone on his voice, his hands were placed on Feng Mian's shoulder when he ducked in pain.

"Woman! What the- argh!" He couldn't help but said while Feng Mian dusted her hands with ease.

"That's what you deserve, remember Aifen, you can do what I just did to perverts. It will surely save you from being attacked by them" she said appearing like a heroine on a drama.

Aifen on the other hand could only grimace at Ming Chen's hunched back as he continued to groan, rubbing his stomach that's been punched by no other than Feng Mian.

Then she saw her father's car and waved at him not before casting a glance at Wei Xiu who is currently occupied with Liu Ying. Feng Mian waved her goodbye as well as Ming Chen, then she was off.

Meanwhile, out two protagonist are having a duel with their feet. On the right side of the corner you can see Liu Ying getting pissed at Wei Xiu as she tried to stomp his foot while holding his hands with her both hands. Onto the left corner, we can see Wei Xiu, without even a hint of break of sweat on his face, as he fought with Liu Ying and won.

He lifted her up like a sack of potatoes and put her on his shoulder while Liu Ying thrashed like a mad woman, pounding over his back.

"You bastard! Let go of me you motherfu- ahh! Don't shake me you piece of sh- waa! Zhang. Wei. Xiu!"

The other two has already left and has now bordered on their respective train. Liu Ying was still shouting at Wei Xiu when she was suddenly dumped at the train seat with no gentleness, ever.

"You bas- mmph!" She thrashed on Wei Xiu's hold when he suddenly glared at her and pointed at the people.

Now she realized that they have already aboard on the train with several onlookers staring at them. She flushed bright red and glared at the calm Wei Xiu.

As always, calm like the mountains, cold as an ice.


Because of the tiring night and the way she sang her song as if her life depended on it, plus the fact that she and Wei Xiu had another fight, she was drained out of her system and started to drift off to sleep.

She didn't notice Wei Xiu looking at her with gentleness as he shifted from his seat to be closer to her. Then her head fell atop of Wei Xiu's shoulders, he naturally inched closer to her and make her feel comfortable.

He stared at her as if she was the most interesting piece of art he have ever seen. Tracing her brows and the dip of her cheeks with his eyes, it naturally lowered until it reaches her lips.

Plump and red, a bit pouty as she snores off regardless of the place. She shifted her head and leaned closer to his neck while holding his arms tightly.

All the way to their home, Wei Xiu never lifted his eyes off of her. A smile hung on his face that made several young ladies envy the girl on his side.

That's right, this black bellied guy will never cease to fight with you, because you're the only person I wanted to fight with for the rest of my life.

Hi people! Although I haven't finished every school works that I have, I still try to find the time to write.

I mean yep, I'm ignoring my school works just for this, kidding! I have finished it, but not all of it!

Anyways, thank you so much for the votes! Have a good day people and always stay safe!


Thank you!

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