Chapter 31

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Steps on becoming a Film Empress!

This is it, what you may say the last day of me being a normal student, the final step to become the most popular and sought out actress in this land.

The time has come!

It's time to show my parents, my closest friends and my classmates and teachers that I, Xia Liu Ying, is gonna go on stage and is about to wreck the entertainment world.

Our play is all about fights between women and men and how we resolved it with love.

To tell the plot, it started with a clash between two groups of people and will result into a battle of the wits and strength. After that, there will be a ball, this is no ordinary ball for it is a game where everyone needs to be a part of.

The game is simple, people will show their talent and the others can re-challenge that person on their talent and if they did lose, they are subjected to the whims of the winner.

Then after that, our dear Male lead would be challenged by our female lead and will lose. Therefore, with such a cliche love and hate relationship with them, they will finally overcome their troubles and differences and will be the most famous couple in the world that reunited female and male population.

Of course, a cliche story won't be cliche without the appearance of our villainess- yep, that's me.

I will fall in love with the male lead with just a sight (I know, just too freaking cliche) and will do everything to make the protagonist love break.

But of course, their love will flourish and I will perish. Then again, I would become the badass woman ever to fight along women towards the chauvunistic men in the play. But of course, they all turned their back on me after being influenced at our dear Female lead's magnanimity and virtuous self.

That's it! That's the flow of our play!


"I'm really nervous" Feng Mian said which made me feel a bit nervous too but didn't let it show on my face.

"It's fine...your work is great, the colors and the designs are beautiful!" I said, trying to make her feel less tense.

"No. I'm worried about you- you don't know how much I worry about your act in a few moments"


Now I have another person that diesn trust my acting skills. Great, really great.

I really need to act better, really need to so that I can show them that I have the skill to act!

"Don't worry, I won't make you lose face"

"I worry about you losing your face more" she said brutally, I almost rush to her collar and shake her head and scream at her.


Anyways! All I can do is to swallow the blood I was about to spill from her not-so-great words.

Now, I got myself some makeup, of course our makeup artist is one of my classmates who is a makeupholic, if there's a word for it, an is really darn good at it.

She caked my face with so much makeup I can almost taste it. The colors consist of red and purple to really bring out the wickedness in my face. After that, I brought out a black and red color dress that is too long it reaches the floor. Golden strings and intricate patterns are designed in the dress.

I couldn't help but marvel at my face, it's a bit unusual- well, too unusual to see me getting dressed up with layer of full makeup on my face. Looking at my dress, I can't help but be amazed at the luxurious style of the dress, it's soft to the touch and I can feel myself becoming more and more like the character.

"Wow, never thought you'll look this beautiful" Feng Mian said while letting out a whistle while she look at me up and down.

"Well, it's the power of makeup" I shrug and smile at our classmate and went outside.

The gymnasium is being filled with students and other people, although it's not large enough to fit all if the people that came, some of them are friends and family and other people.

It's partly the reason why we went all out on this performance, to see the audience clapping for us and reeling at the sight of our hard work is a really good feeling. Besides that, we need to show to our investor, and to our future investors, that we are indeed serious at our school and we want to promote the greatness of it.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded at our director, my hands a bit clammy from the nervousness that is slowly gnawing on my body.

I took a deep breath, I know that I have to show my best, if not, go all out with our performance. It's once in a lifetime that I can perform as a person and not just a tree so I need to do everything to make this play a success.

I was about to go into the stage when someone held my hand, it was a familiar face, so familiar I couldn't help but feel a bit relieve.

"Do your best, I'll watch at the sidelines and...I know you can do it"

It was the first time that I saw him this serious and hearing his words, my breath almost get knocked when he smiled at me.

"Ready?" He asked and this time, I answer with full confidence.


Hi people! How are you?! This afternoon, there's three small tornado that happened in the Philippines, thankfully, it didn't really transpire into a big thing.

Anyways, all my school works are finished! Yippe!


Thank you!

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