Chapter 65

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Blatant stares and undisguised envy

School starts tomorrow and I'm dreading it so much.

The fact that I hated school so much and now, I get to see my teachers dissapointed faces along with some blatant stares from every student in the school just makes it so overwhelming.

Of course I need to go to school, it's mandatory but even so, I could imagine myself getting stiff and awkward at all of their reactions. Just imaging it gives chills to my skin, I couldn't wait for the news of us being 'together' to die down.

I can't wait.

So now, I walked out and left my house and instantly, some of the students waiting in the same station as mine gave me looks. It's unsettling and uncomfortable, my face must be bright red from embarrassment.

The train hasn't arrived yet and I really wish for the ground to swallow me now that I saw some students about to go to my direction.

Then my vision was blocked by a tall figure, I looked up and saw a familiar face. It was Wei Xiu, he still have that particular aura that claims people's eyes to see only him and it made matters worse for me.

So I took a side step away from him and of course, it didn't work and he just ignored what I did.

If I step one more time away from him, I knew this would happen again so I just waited for the train to arrive.

"Are you...okay now?" He was hesitant, I could see his whole body taut in tension as he guard me away from the eyes of everyone.

"I was but not now" I sarcastically replied, at my words, his face sank.

"I'm sorry"

I didn't bother to reply back when the train arrived, perfect timing. The two of us went in the same time and went to the same road towards school.

Everything was just...awkward.

"Did you and Aifen...made up?" He suddenly asked, I looked at his direction and nod. His face lightened up and he unawarely gave me a relieved smile.

Silence ensured again, after a couple of walks, I could already see the gates from our school and stopped.

I didn't know what happened to me but I unfortunately bumped into Wei Xiu as he held me steady. My feet still stuck to the ground as fear suddenly overtook my whole body.

I didn't know I was shivering when he held his hand took my wrist and he lowered himself untile we met eye to eye.

"I'll do everything to protect you so trust me. I'll make sure you won't feel this afraid again, I'll take care of it so... just please don't avoid me"

I could hear the sincerity in his tone and my shivering finally stopped. I knew from the moment I looked in his eyes, I trusted him.

It's a reflex of some sort, honestly after everything that has happened, I still trust him.

It never changed.

His thumb rub circles on my palm as he comforted me until I was no longer in fear. His eyes never left mine as I stated right at him. It did it's work, it made me calm and even though I hate to say it, he always have the best methods that made me calm.

"Let's go now" I said as a blush crept into my face, staining my cheek as I noticed his hand still held mine.


His eyes were curved like crescent moon, the smile on his lips were still there albeit little. The background of the sky and the small tower of buildings complimented his face more. If I was a photographer, I would capture this moment.

"Wei Xiu" he stopped walking and waited for me to say what I was supposed to. But seriously, I really didn't know what I'm about to say, I just felt the need to call him.

It was instinct.

"Ying?" His deep voice reminds me of those big violin they called cello. It was rich and velvety almost, it draws me to hear more of it.


I blinked then blushed so hard I probably looked like a cooked shrimp. I can't believe I became lost just be hearing his voice! How embarrassing!

"Let's better keep your promise. I won't....won't avoid you anymore but...just don't get too close and do not-" I was flustered, I wanted this butterflies in my stomach to stop tickling me.

"Let's take this slow okay?" He dragged the last letter with his alluring voice which made me nod like a good child.

I didn't even notice the gentle smile he gave as we walked through the gates. True to my words, the students eyes have followed us with burning curiosity and even plain envy.

He did what he promised, he stayed close to me even though I hate his close proximity, he did it to protect and shield me with their fervor stares. If he wasn't here with me, I would definitely be overwhelmed and just stand still like a statue.

The day was so slow and their stares were burning as I sat in my class, head lowered as I focused on the teacher's lecture.

This day is strenuous in every part, I don't even know how to deal with my day especially when lunch come.


An utterly fabulous day!


Heavens, just let me survive this day, I really want to.

Hi people! How are you today?! Thank you for the votes and comments! I really hope we reach 3k reads this week!

I decided to finish this story when they'll enter college, the second part- well not really the second part but it will still show some of Wei Xiu and Liu Ying's life after college. It'll be showed on Feng Mian and Ming Chen's stand alone book!

I still highly suggest for everyone to read this book before jumping to the other one, but it's up to you!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! Stay safe and healthy as always!


Thank you!

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