Chapter 40

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A time where all youth blooded students are on top!

Time passes by so quickly, fall turns to winter as spring made the flowers bloomed and thus, summer has appeared with it's sunny disposition.

All along the four seasons came change.

Time is absolute and irrevocable that can lasts for a lifetime or one can say- forever.

Everything in the world has changed, from the bakery downtown to the latest fashion trends, the passing of people both old and young as well as the emerging actors and singers, everything has changed.

A student's life is fleeting, filled with memories both good and bad. Memories that are filled with their youthful days, those days where they're reprimanded by their teachers, days where their parents urged them to study well and also- days filled with love.

Blooming in their hearts, as a seed from a flower, their love has made them change in ways that varies from one another.

Friendships are lost and some are found, some have begun to look for new ones and some had made a few.

Others may have stayed together and now, we can all see five students wearing the same uniform as they looked at the gate.

The gate where new memories, new friends and also, new enemies will be made.


"Zhang. Wei. Xiu! Give it to me!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I heaved with anger.

That sly bastard had me fallen on his trap.

Simple, he just took my newest book- mind you a rated-18 book that I just ordered that he accidentally- well the better word for is that he snooped from my door and saw what I just ordered from my phone.

Earlier, he knocked on my door when I was about to open my freshly bought book and told me that Aunt Tang, his mother, brought me some apple pie.

Of course who am I to refuse? So I did the logical thing I thought and went downstairs only to find nothing! There is no apple pie on the table!

That cheater! Lying fox!

I stomped my way through the top and saw him holding my book and putting it inside his bag, without a care, I tackled him to the ground.

Sounds of thumping and groans were heard, grunting at his now much taller frame and wide shoulders that made me more smaller than I ever thought. Looking sideways, I itched to swipe my claws at that perfect face.

"Give it to me!" I shouted at his ears as I hanged on his back, my legs twisted on his narrow waist.

"No!" He said which made me more furious than ever.

So I bit his neck.

He yelped in pain and held his neck while looking at me in disbelief. I was soon thrown on my bed and like a cheetah, run towards my fallen book and placed it on my chest.

Ha! If he tried to take it out of my chest then he'll be labeled as a pervert!

"Liu Ying!" He said lowly, his eyes narrowed dangerously at me but I sense the helplessness in his voice.

"No! I bought it! With my own money! Why would I give this- oh" my eyes narrowed in wickedness as I continued. "So you wanted to read a genre like this too, huh? You can browse through your computer and just download know" I said with a bit awkwardness on my tone.

I know that boys at my age are... hot blooded and certainly have this urges to satisfy their...thirst for knowledge. I just don't like that he's trying to take what's mine and steal it from me in broad daylight!

He pinched the top of his nose and sighed in helplessness. I feel that I won and was about to celebrate my victory when he uttered his threat.

"I'll tell your mother"


I glared at him venemously with my eyes and fisted my hands. If my mother knew, she would claw my eyes out and yelled at me for being too obscene at a young age.

I bet she would disown me the moment she saw the title of the book, I even bet more that she would kill me when she knew that I'm not even studying and instead reading a type of book she wouldn't approve.

"Zhang Wei Xiu! You wouldn't dare!" I screamer as I felt a bit panicky at his threats. I knew that he would definitely do what he says, there's no doubt about it.

"I dare, so...give the book to me" he said then he held his palm out as if wanting me to hand it over to him without a fight.

Ha! I would give it to you but not without making sure you have a wound!

So I did what my mind tells me.

I scratched his arms like an angry kitten while he stood there like a statue, almost giving himself up which greatly delights me.

Soon, I grew tired from scratching him so I turned my back and pulled my book out of my chest and handed it to him.

His neck were flushed as he took the book with lighting hands and stuffed it in his bag without looking at me.

I chuckled when I saw his white like tofu arms bleeding from my scratches and turned around and took the book away from my chest.

I knew that I can't get him to stop taking my book away from me, but, I can always fool him into taking another book.

So yes, that's what I did and I won!

Soon, I was immersed in the story when a series of knock was heard on my door. Smiling, I put earbuds in my ear and blasted the music until I couldn't hear anything.

Ha! You think you won huh?! Better luck next time boy!

Hi people! So in this time they're already on their third year of highschool.

Anyways, I hope you like this story! Have a good day everyone!


Thank you!

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