Chapter 73

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Been together for six months, secretly

School has never been better and now, it has turned into a battle.

It's because our third year is about to end and soon, the National College Entrance Examination will happen.

It's approaching and in just a matter of time, even I wouldn't be able to calm myself. I need to do a lot of things like my peers do. Applying for college, choosing my course and studying for the upcoming National College Entrance Examination.

Goodness, my feet hasn't even touch the floor from the work that I've been doing this past weeks.

It's already been six months since me and Wei Xiu decided to be together. I'm surprised that it lasted for a long time but we haven't really met each other besides the moment I stepped on school. I only met him before we go to school, we would always go together and have lunch with our friends then go to a academy.

I was enrolled to an academy specifically teaching lesson for the upcoming National College Entrance Examination. My parents were the one who enrolled me and although I hated to study, still hated it, I need to recollect my thoughts.

"I'll take you home"

"No, it's fine. You-you also need to attend cram school don't you?"

He stop midway on his steps and look at me before nodding.

"It's fine, really" I smiled wryly at his hesitant face.

It's already eight, I also need to go to the academy and take another lesson. I think it'll take an hour and a half before it finishes.

"I'll wait at the gate"

"You-ugh! Fine, don't blame me when you catch a cold okay?" He nodded and held my hand tightly.

I didn't shy away from his hold but in my mind, there's still some resistance. I'm not sure, maybe I just thought of him as a block of wood all the time.

I was flustered at his actions in the past, still is, but it didn't really made my heart pound. I think it's because we don't have a lot of time to meet since the final test is near and the dating ban in school still prevails.

Even so, I think it wouldn't reach a year before he stop and decided that this relationship won't develop further.

I just hope that I won't catch any feelings for him though it's easy to do that, isn't it?

"You should go to Wei Xiu! He's sick because he waited for you for over an hour and a half! What a bad girlfriend you are!"

My mother nagged me again for how irresponsible I was for getting Wei Xiu sick when I clearly told him yesterday that he shouldn't blame me.

Now look! My own mother is getting angry at me for not taking care of Wei Xiu and is studying instead! Ah! What an unfair world!

"Mom! I'm still studying-"

"Leave it! Go to Wei Xiu now!"

Ugh! It's not like he doesn't have any parents to care- oh. I just remembered, Aunt Tang and Uncle Zhang was away again since Wei Xiu's jie jie announced that she's about to get married.

I almost forgot about Wei Lin jie-jie, she's five years older than Wei Xiu and is a model. I think she's marrying a tycoon and a very husband one at that.

Glad for her.

Soon, I found myself looking at a red face Wei Xiu and a towel on my hand, still deciding whether I should smother him with it or just do the right thing.

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