Chapter 41

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Seventeen and going

As a seventeen years old student, I have a lot of responsibilities such as waking up ok the right time, take my test seriously and make my life a bit better than before.

Of course there's also some setbacks I had experience and will probably experience again, with that, I welcome my first day of becoming a third year highschool.


Now all we do is study until late at night, then di our homeworks and sleep after that, wake up again and study.

Study, study, study!

Always study!

Well it's not just me who feel victimized at this point, it's even worse for other students who clearly does not like studying- like me. My days have become limited to only attend school and working school papers and doing homeworks.

My world has only revolved on the word test- to be exact the National College Entrance Examination!

That's right, college is coming, two years from now I would go to the testing area that will dictate my whole life and what I would become in the future.


"Are you ready Little Ying?" My father asked me as he caressed my forehead gently.

"Oh hush, that girl is born to be ready" my mother state which made me pout.

"I'm ready daddy, let me hold Mao Mao for a bit" I said and was about to held my cat when my mother slapped my hands.

"No! You're gonna ruin your uniform!" She said while ushering me out of the door and before I knew it, I was staring at someone's chest.

I backed off and saw him, he looked perfect as usual. With his hair nicely cut and a face that can rival any woman, his uniform was perfectly ironed giving off a neat appearance. His eyes are pitch black and the mole underneath his eyes made him more enchanting than ever, his thin, pink lips were slightly pursed as he looked at me from below.

"Let's go" he said with a mellow, deep tone that he had achieved after years. It sounded pleasant in someone's ears- not mine, absolutely not.

"Hmph!" I harrumphed and strode in front while I hooked my bag and walked towards the train station.

We waited for a while, students loiter around the train station and some white collared people can be seen. It seems like Monday is a really busy day for everyone.

The train appeared and at once, we boarded the train with much difficulty before sitting down. Some were squished as if they were a tuna on a can, some can only hold on from the bars and some have given up and waited for the next train.

Taking a peek at everyone's faces, it seems like there are students that have the same uniform as us. Looking stealthily at them, I noticed that their eyes are focused on one object or should I say- person.

It's none other than Wei Xiu.

He's always a magnet for everyone's eyes, he always garnered attention no matter what his doing, whether he stands or he talks, he's always the talk of the town.

Feng Mian and Aifen were already inside, only Ming Chen- the unruly one, has stayed too long on the computer and ended up waking up late.

We chatted in our group chat before I closed my phone and suddenly saw some girls ogling at Wei Xiu who have a face of 'I am calm and collected' as he stood straight.

Sneering at my head, I focused my eyes to my right, seeing some unfamiliar people on them then for some reason, I find myself shifting my sight to him.

He was looking down, he stood directly in front of me since he gave his seat up for a pregnant woman which earned him a lot of points from his progressing fan base. His ears were covered in earphones as it blasted unknown music into his ears.

I wouldn't deny the fact that he is handsome but, I've known him for years and honestly, I don't really stare at him for hours and just search for some imaginary imperfections on his face.

I didn't knew how much time passed by, but by the time he looked upwards, I was caught staring and flushed in embarrassment.

I cleared my throat and nudged him to look at the window. It seems like we've arrived, at that thought, the train stopped and as if a large amount of water has broken out from a dam and poured out of it.

I was about to slip in to the sea of people when I was held by my wrist and stood beside him.

"What?" I harshly whispered at him. "We're going to be late!" I said then looked at my phone, its already 7:45, we only have 15 minutes to reach the school grounds.

"Wait for a moment or do you want to be crushed?" He pointed out which made me harrumphed in anger because let's face it- he's right!

Soon, the amount of people on the entrance has diminished and I immediately walked out and turned to run to the school.

Don't be late! I keep shouting those words in my head and mumbling it on my lips when I was held once more by him.


"You turned wrong, it's this way" he showed me and I didn't even have the time to curse at him when he pulled my wrist and jogged down the road.

There I saw students standing on a line as some teacher with gym clothes were checking their uniforms. I tugged at Wei Xiu, he looked down and saw me pointing at the direction of the students.

Then he suddenly walked and waited in a line, his hands on his pocket as he stood there nonchalantly. He took his earphones off and stared at the front without a care.

I stood behind him and heard several whispers from the crowd, yey, Wei Xiu just made another freaking wonderful entrance again!


Hi people! So they're seventeen years old! Tell me some of your experiences when you're seventeen hm? Anyway, I hope you all are healthy and well- eating well!

Thank you so much for the votes and the comments!


Thank you!

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