Chapter 64

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Forgiveness and vague thoughts

It's currently Saturday here with the sun popping out of the sky with it's clear blue sky, a perfect time to leave the house and bask into the sun.


I was coped inside my room for the past three hours, my mother has already forgiven me for yesterday's events.

She told me she was just excited to know that Wei Xiu and I has become a couple, that we're together now which I absolutely find maddening.


How did my mother's mind turned into that direction? How can she even imagine her daughter being with someone she treats nearly her son? Did she think of us as couples for the past seventeen years?


"It's because I have eyes"

That's her words not mine.

It was confusing to say the least, I just don't understand the thought of us being together. It's just too weird for me to think and I don't think I've ever seen him as a guy.

Well- I admit it, he made my heart pound for a couple of times in the past year but that's it! Nothing more!

Guilt gnawed upon me when I accidentally glanced at the picture pasted on my mirror. It was a picture of the five of us with a word written in a marker saying 'Skewer lover 123 student group'

So I decided to go to my darling's home and apologized to her. It's the least I can do for hurting her even if I wasn't the one who told her such a ridiculous thing, I was apart of it.

It's only right for me to give her my apologies and wished to be forgiven.

"Mom! I'm going out!"

"Where?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

"To Aifen" her face cast a shadow of sadness, I think my mother knew if her feelings for Wei Xiu.

"Go on, do your best" her encouragement had given me the boost to go and seek for Aifen.

I know it's not gonna be like this in the movies with girls fighting with their hands pulling out each other's hair....I hope.


Here I am.

My goodness, my palms are sweating buckets and I could feel the loud thump of my heart.

I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack right now but no, I need to face her or else I'll regret it.

So I knock on their doors and it opened after some seconds.

"Oh, Little Ying, do the two of you have some tutor session?" It was Uncle Ying, I could only nod at his question in fear of backing out.

He led me upstairs and the door opened after some calls.

It was Aifen.

Her face was no longer vibrant and there's hints of dark circles underneath her eyes. She look tired and when she snapped her eyes at me, I felt it.

You know those moments when something was lodged in your throat and you couldn't breathe, that's the situation.

Fortunately, before I could embarrass myself more in front of her family, I was ushered into her room.

My breath tightened more and I could feel my body beginning to stiffen from anxiety. She sat on her bed with an almost vacant look on her face before telling me to sat beside her.

Silence has appeared and there's just too much tension in the air I feel like I could suffocate from it.

"So..." She started first because I'm too much of a coward. "Why are you here?"

One look in her eyes and I could see the tears threatening to fall off of her eyes which made me panick like hell.

"We're not together! It's just his own wishful thinking! I never agreed and...and I will never agreed, ever! Please don't cry, I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry Aifen, I really am"

My words tumble from time to time and my hands were shaking beside me. Tears sprouted into my eyes and fell from my cheeks before I could stop it.

I don't really have the right to cry right now especially the situation where she's more hurt than me but I can't.

I can't help it.

I'm scared that she won't talk to me again, that I won't be able to call her my darling again and that I won't be her friend anymore.

I just can't.

Why do girls always fell apart because of one guy?

If I was watching a movie similar to this situation, I would have laugh my ass out. But now that I'm here experiencing it, I really don't have the courage to accept it.

I don't.

"I'm sorry's not your fault. You didn't a-ask to b-be someone he l-likes. I'm sorry Liu Ying, I'm just selfish. I'm sorry"

She cried along with me while we continued to repeat the word I'm sorry. After a few minutes of crying, the two of us stopped.

"Let me just get something" she said sniffing while she stood up and went to her bathroom.

I sat there when a cold touch was placed on my cheeks and I shiver from it's coldness. It was a bag of ice, I took it gratefully and whispered thank you to her.

The two of us pressed the ice pack bag to our eyes. I look at her once and guffaw in laughter while she did the same to me.

Were like two crazy women who cried so hard earlier and is now laughing like there's no tommorow.

"Aifen...thank you, and I'm sorry. I truly am"

She stopped laughing but there's still a smile intact on her face. She shake her head and said with a slight smile.

"Enough of the I'm sorry, it happened. Besides, I'll fight for Wei Xiu. I'll fight you head on but our friendship would still remain"

"But I don't like-" I want finished when she interrupted me.

"I don't want to regret. I wanted to fight even though I already knew the outcome. I still wanted to try so that I won't regret in the future"

Her words stopped me and a thought went into my mind, she still likes him. Obviously.

She doesn't want to back out without a fight, but she doesn't need to, I mean I don't really want to fight for Wei Xiu and become hai girlfriend, I don't want it.

"But I don't want to fight with you over him. I don't like him" I said insisting that I don't really like Wei Xiu.

I would never like him.

"You never know what the future holds" she said while she gave me a mysterious smile.

With that, the two of us have reconciled but there's still this nagging thought on the back of my mind, whispering her last words and making me feel so confused than ever.

Ah! Whatever! I'll just cross the bridge when I come to it!

Hi people! How are you today?! I'm fine, not really. My hands are in pain again after my mother just took so many shorts to trim and sew.

Anyways, thank you so much for the votes and comments! I really appreciate them, thank you! Stay safe as always!


Thank you!

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