Chapter 18

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Makes me dizzy by seeing it

This is it.

This is the final and last step to hell.

I thought I'll never experience hell unless I die of a bad personality but no, I have always love my life in an upright way!

But now, all I can do was to pray that I'll survive this calamitous person behind my back.

I hope to live and see the world getting more advanced and yet, I can only live today.

I hope that my best friend Feng Mian remember me, that my darling Aifen won't be fooled again by gorgeous looking men and that chasing skirt man named Ming Chen would stop pestering my best friend.

I hope my family will offer some delicious delicacies before they come to my grave, that Auntie Tang would get her revenge for her darling Ying-ying.

This is the time that I've been dreading for.

I'm turning the knob, I'm going in, I stepped inside my room and then I heard a bang.

Turning around, it's like a slow motion when Wei Xiu smiled. I felt like the devil, in his own flesh, has smiled to me.

I would always remember this moment, this exact moment where the devil smiled and took me to hell.

His ruby red lips opened up and I felt like my world has collapsed when he said.

"Let the tutoring began"



I survived?

I survived! I can't believe it! I thought I'll die from his tutoring, but a few minutes later, I could feel myself regretting that I haven't die or collapsed at this moment.

It's only been an hour.

Just an hour but I felt like I have used all my lifetime to accompany h from this tutoring.

It's just an hour before I felt that my brain has already been fried until it can't be recognize as a brain. My body feels like it's been ran by a truck and kneaded like a rough dough.

An hour full of numbers and crazy looking formulas.

An hour filled with Wei Xiu's Spartan like teaching.

An hour of me thinking that I'm in brink situation, that anymore than this and I will collapse from too much studying.

All I can do was to cry internally, I can't let Wei Xiu see any weakness in my face or else I'll suffer another roundabout of his so called 'advices'.

Looking at the numbers in my notes, I couldn't even read it let alone remember the formula he just taught me a few minutes ago. All I could do was to stare blankly at my paper and wish for a miracle.

"Xia Liu Ying, you really are a special case" I hear someone from my back but I continued my doodling.

That's right, say everything you want, I won't get affected by it. I've been taunted by you, jeered from the sidelines every time you come into this house of mine.

I know that my mother spoiled you more than me, but ha! Your mother loves me more than you!

Beat that!

I'll strongly pass this tribulation so I can become an immortal deity that can defeat this monster named Wei Xiu!

I'm a strong willed woman.

I won't be quicker tempered and instead, I'll live like a monk, seeking for a mundane way of thinking.

"How did you pass middle school with a brain like that"

"You're no better than your cat maybe worse"


My pen broke from the pressure, girtting my teeth, I considered giving him a beating but I held myself back.

I'm not a child anymore.

"Drawing again? Do you think you draw like Picasso? How can you call that a drawing?"




I swung my fist against him and he easily caught it with one hand. I immediately pounced on him and tackled him to the ground but unfortunately, our bodies have changed.

And his strength is vastly different from mine.

So he reversed my attack and we plopped down in my bed then all of a sudden, I was pinned down by him. His one hand held both of my wrists while his long limb pinned my two legs.

There is no space and the air between us mixed along with our gazes. He lowered himself and he was too close I can almost count his lashes. His eyes only held me and I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about this situation.

"You- get off!" I shouted weakly, I don't know what's gotten into me but I suddenly find myself getting weak from his stare.

"If I don't?" He taunted with a low and hoarse voice, his head tilting to the right making his hair fall which covers his heated stare.

"Then..I....I..uhh..." I was speechless from his boldness and I couldn't even hear myself from the fast thumping of my heart.

He smiled towards me, his pearly white teeth showing a bit. His eyes formed a slight crescent shape making him look more charming.

He leaned so close to me I could feel his warm breath sprayed across my cheeks. His warmth covering me like a veil before I shut my eyes tightly.

Then he flicked my forehead.

He stepped away and walk over my desk before sitting down, as if nothing has happened.

I was blinking profusely, my mind in a mush but then I realized that he flicked my forehead.


"Zhang. Wei. Xiu!"

All I could hear was his laugh and taunting me by laughing with no restraint. Then he wink right to my face making me shout in anger.


Seriously, I really think that I should be grateful enough to have passed my thirteen years without coughing blood due to Wei Xiu's past and present provocations to me.

Hi people! It's raining and it's cold today! I wanted to take a sip of coffee then read a book but I can't. It's because I'm too clumsy and I'm afraid that I'll tip the cup of coffee and splashed it on my book.

So yeah, nope.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! Stay warm everyone and take care always!


Thank you!

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