Chapter 49

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Visiting my darling's home

I wish I could un-see what I just saw earlier! Ah! My pure, lovely eyes has been dirtied by that guy!

I really wish I could take my eyes out and wash it with a tub full of soap and alcohol just to cleanse out everything I saw.

I wanted to say that it doesn't matter now because it has already happened but still! I can not tolerate this!

"Zhang Wei Xiu! I'm telling you this! Do not ever prance around the house, barely clothed if I may add, like you own it! There's still me- the daughter of the owner of this house you're currently living in! Remember: my house, my rules!" I stressed out every word incase he still wouldn't understand or care.

He just blankly looked at me as if I was just a dog barking out loud at it's owner.

"Wei Xiu!" I couldn't help but grit my teeth after seeing him with no response.

"Oh, sorry...yeah... I-I won't" he said blinking a few times, he look at but disoriented but who cares! At least he now knew the rules.

Then I remember my mother downstairs, wait a minute! She heard me screaming! Why didn't she- well, there's really nothing left to say.

I'm my mother's daughter and she believes I have the strength of a bull and a courage that can rival those of in the gang world.

"You- since you...made me see something that I shouldn't, you need to do what I told you to! So we can be even!"

I still need my mom's permission, well now, his rejection to accompanying me to Aifen's house.

Who knows what'll happen after he met her parents and they get to know him, they would love him- no doubt about that. So I can only prolong this Romeo-Juliet scene and be forced into becoming the villain.

My Aifen can't handle this guy, I'm sure of it! She still doesn't know his true face! She'll be forever fooled by this guy!

I can't let that happen!

"What is it?"

"Just say no to my mom's suggestion of you going with me to my darling's house" he furrowed his brows and for a moment, I thought I saw some discomfort on his eyes but clearly threw it in the back of my mind.


He looked at me for a second and nodded. After that, our deal was made and even so I told my Mom which made her look a bit dissatisfied.




I look around and all I see was the grandiose of my darling's house- or should I say mansion. Its unlike any other house, it's a traditional looking home filled with varieties of plants inhabiting their garden.

She chuckled before guiding me into her home, my eyes widen in a fraction when I saw antiques and relics that we're practically a part of their house. It felt like I just stepped on a movie set where everywhere just shouts history.

"My parents love traditional things" she said in passing and I just nodded. Well, they really do show their fondness of traditional things.

"Aifen you're here, oh, you brought your friend. Good afternoon, I am Aifen's mother, Jin Shi Lan" I greeted her politely and called her Aunt Jin.

"Well, good afternoon to you too Little Ying" Uncle Ying said, he's Aifen's father who is a university teacher along with her mother.

Uncle Ying got really acquainted with us these past years, I my her mother wasn't able to make time for her since she was overseas at that time.

"Uncle Ying, good afternoon too" I greeted him with a vibrant smile in which he also returned.

They let us go after with some pleasantries and finally went to her room.

It was clean and neat, a bit of pink going on there when I saw her princess like bed. It was massive and she have her own closet filled with clothes, it was magical.

Her room was unlike her parents aesthetic, it was more modern but still retained the old vibe when I saw some of her traditional instruments displayed on her room.

"So, are you ready for math?" She grinned after seeing me groan.

How could I forgot about that? It was the reason why I'm here but honestly, I don't really want to study.

All I want was to study their home and be more futher amazed at it!

"Now, now, let's get started shall we?" She said with her soft tone making me delfate like a balloon.

I couldn't even say no to her words- even if it was brutal and painful.

She's my darling after all!

So I did what I was told and get myself ready for another batch of torture. Seriously, why did they have to invent math? Well I mean it did help the world but still- couldn't they make it a bit more easier and understandable?

Anyways, my eyes wants to close itself but I pinch my thighs and the struggle is here.

But one look at my darling, I feel like I was recharged! It was unlike Wei Xiu's spartan training, this, I could get use to this.

She was gentle and understanding, yes it's still a bit lacking compared to Wei Xiu's lesson but it's not as peaceful as him.

"Did you understand?"

I was suddenly brought back to real life when I saw her looking at me. I smiled sheepishly and just shook my head.

She just grinned and get off her bed, I lay on her bed and waited for a couple of minutes before I caught a sniff of a delicious smelling food. I took a peek and almost salivated when I saw it was cookies.

Yey! Cookies!

My darling is really the best!

Hi everyone! How are you today in this something like lovely weather and one fourth not lovely? Do you still feel bored? Go and read light novels!

That's what I always do!

Oh- and watch MrBeast and Yes theory on YouTube. They're great and really entertaining! Ah! They really are, I swear!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! Thank you for the votes and comments! Have a lovely day!


Thank you!

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