Chapter 67

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What we think

He regretted it.

He finally admits in his heart, he truly regret his impulsive self. If he just managed to calm himself and wait, they wouldn't be facing this prediction.

She wouldn't have acted this way, distancing herself in fear of more rumors.

He knew how a mere sentence can kills someone's life, yet all he did was to make their situation worse just because of his greed.

Ah, greed.

I'm human as well, even though my packaging was something that glitters in gold and filled with luxuriousness, I'm human.

If he was stripped of his face, his brain then everything would be as simple as math.

She got into trouble, was scolded for something that she didn't do and was now the topic of every student.

He shouldn't have acted so hastily, he should have waited for her response before acting.

But alas, he was just filled with fear of the future, he fears that she would forget and be in love with someone else.

Not him.

He wouldn't let that chance to happen today nor in the near future, he couldn't and he will do everything to stop it.

The day her parents asked him of his true motive towards their only daughter, he only has one answer.

She's his purpose.

She is the only person that breaks the tranquility in his life, she showed him colors and made life like an adventure.

She made him sad, angry, joyful, happy and hurt. She let him feel so many things in just one word. She's the sole person that challenge his life, question his sanity and most of all, made him feel human.

She makes him fragile.

He's weak at her every orders, even those with such ridiculousness, he would still abide after all, she's someone important to him.

She's my achilles heel and I'm fine with it.


She's someone who everyone thinks of as a dodder flower.

Weak, fragile and innocent.

She's gentle, warm and lady like. She's someone that is both beautiful and intelligent. Her parents are both professors, her lifestyle is luxurious, she's the goddess in everyone's eyes.

Yet she's just a human.

She can feel pain, she bleeds just like the others. She's not gentle at all but just shy, she's not weak just unused to work and she's not innocent.

Definitely not.

She's not a child.

She knows about the world, she knows the relationship between humans have always been fragile and the line between good and bad is vague.

She's not a child anymore, waiting for everyone's praises to rain on her, gifts and toys to be brought to her no, she's just like us.

She's not bad nor she is entirely good.

She lied, she curse and she did bad things.

Then life happens and she's suddenly thrust into the real world. She's filled in trepidation and always has to look out for herself.

She can't avoid to lose herself into the midst of adversities. Yet she also feel fear everytime she loses something, how her score got lower and when he father forgot to take her home.

She's human like you.

She love someone, a person that have a wide gap on everything from the way he look to the way he act.

He's someone that she's admired and also, emphasize.

She felt like he's someone familiar to her, a comrade in her eyes.

But the feeling of familiarity seeped deep into her skin through her bones, she felt much more for him.

She felt love.

She's a teenager, someone who has experienced life and love for the first time. She is after all, a human, she felt afraid and shy but also excited.

So she confessed and got rejected.

She thinks that she needs to improve herself, so she did.

She have some friends, loyal ones and there's a special person in his heart besides him, it was her.

And she too was special in his heart.

Even though it hurts to admit, she knew that her love is only one sided. A love that burns so painful yet sweet at the same time.

She knew yet she pretend not to.

She still had a chance, she wanted to think that, she's delusional.

She likes him, what should she do? She just doesn't want to stop, she fell for him so deep that it hurts but she knew her limitations.

She's hurting.

She love her as a friend while she loves him as a man.

Yet he doesn't like her, not even one bit, what he wants, she already knew.

She already knew yet she intentionally closed her eyes, afraid for the tears to fall, fear for the sobs to be heard.

She tried.

She really tried.

She have the perfect family, loyal friends and an amazing student background. She has everything but as always, humans have greeds.

She greeds for something just like you.

She wanted to stop her feelings but it won't stop, like a water being spilled from too much liquid, her feelings spilled.

So she opted to realize it and fight for the last time.

Just this time, let her fight, fight for her feelings.

Fight for everything that she had sacrificed for.

She's Ying Aifen and she's just like us.

Hi people! Just wanted to let you know their perspectives! The first one is Wei Xiu and the second one is Aifen!

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you for your comments and votes! I really appreciate them!

Stay safe as always!


Thank you!

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