Chapter 20

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Still studying even at home!

As you all know, I absolutely despise studying.

Maybe it's because I'm not good at studying, but although I'm not that good, my grades are still average.

Even so! I can still study even if I hate it only if we are in school but once I'm home, I won't even touch my textbooks let alone study and just instantly surf the net.

Plopping down on my bed, I watch the latest drama and I haven't even press play when a knock was heard on my door.

Sighing, I opened the door and shut it in just a matter of seconds. I didn't even budge and just went straight to my bed and surfed the net without a care towards a certain person whose in front of my door.

"Xia. Liu. Ying! Open the door!" He said as he kept on banging it until I snapped.

"I don't want to!" I childishly said while I turned the volume up, indirectly stating that I don't hear him.

"I'm tutoring you!"


Abso-freaking-lutely not!

I'm not I'm school! What's the point of studying when I'm in my house?! I don't even want to hear school related topics whenever I'm in my home!

"You just tutored me yesterday!" I retorted back at him, still ignoring his knocks.

I could imagine his face getting darker and darker before finally exploding in anger and leaving my room alone.

A few seconds passed and I didn't hear his constant banging to the door. Hallelujah! Silence has come!

I can now watch the famous drama called "The 5 prince and me" I know it's a very corny title for a drama and a cliche story but who cares? I just want to pass my time watching something.

I was in the part where the unfortunate female lead bump into the handsome idol looking guy when a clinking sound made its way into my eardrums.

Then the door magically opened itself.

No I'm just kidding, it was opened by Wei Xiu. His pale and bony hands held some keys and for a second, I was blank.

Next, I took off like a sprinter and decided to push Wei Xiu out of my room but to no avail, he stood there like a still mountain.

"Get out of here Wei Xiu! You just tutored me yesterday!" I whined at him, pouting towards his stone cold face.

He looked at me and for a second, I thought his eyes darted to my lips but I shook that idea. I suddenly grab his wrist and swing it, still whining at his intrusion.

"Wei Xiu!" I shouted at his unblinking stare at me and fortunately, he snapped out of his daydream.

"Do you want Aunt Rou to reprimand you again and feel the ruler slapping down on your palm?" He said which frighten me, his eyes were not blinking and I hardly doubt that Wei Xiu is lying.

He never lie to me.

"But...I just want to watch...some drama" yep, there's no freaking way would I say the drama "The 5 prince and me" to him.

"Oh? The drama 'The 5 prince and me, eh?" His lips were tilted in a slight arch while his eyes looked even more charming due to the glow from the table lamp.

My heart suddenly leaped out of my body when he suddenly leaned to me and before I could shout murder, he took my phone and slid it on his pockets.

"Now, let's learn shall we?"

This freaking guy really piss me off!


"How'd your test go?" Feng Mian said, I notice her voice is a bit nervous.

"It's good, I think better than before. I'm sure yours too" I said comforting her, my scores really did improve.

Of course how couldn't it, after all the training- I mean studying from the Spartan like Wei Xiu, I wouldn't even feel nervous.

"Mine didn't change, still the same" she said with obvious disappointment in her voice. Her parents would definitely scold her again.

Feng Mian's parents agreed that she could be a member of an art class but she needs her grades to be more than average. Her parents aren't exactly supportive of her passion in drawing and it's taken a toll on her.

"Well, why don't we have a study group then? Wei Xiu will teach us!" I told her which made her smile for a second before it faded away.

"But...are you sure? I mean I don't want to impose-"

"It's fine! I'll let Wei Xiu tutor you too!" I said as I hug her. "Let's go eat at Uncle Tao!" Today is the final day, Wednesday!

Since our test are already finished and my period has finally left, that's enough reason to celebrate!

I held her hand and left our suffocating classroom and waited at the gate before Wei Xiu and my darling Aifen along with the womanizer Ming Chen appeared.

"Good! Now that all of us are here, let's go and celebrate!" I said with so much vigor, much Chen suddenly laughed at me and said.

"Go where?" This peasant- how could he not know- nevermind.

"Go to Uncle Tao's skewer diner! Where else?!" I frowned and ask Aifen with a sweet time, unlike my previous aggressive time to Ming Chen. "What do you say Aifen? Let's go and eat at Uncle Tao, hm? After this day, let's eat at somewhere you want, en?"

She nodded while blushing, after all her crush is looking at her. I glared at Wei Xiu and smiled at Aifen. We went off to Uncle Tao's place in just 15 minutes.

Let's go and eat lamb skewers!

Let's go Skewer lover 123 student group!

Hi people! How are you in this...I don't know? Hot somewhat not day? Anyways, thank you for the reads! As of today, I have like 65 reads so I'm thankful for that!

Now, I think I have about 200 plus! Thank you so much people for giving this story a chance!

Thank you so much  people! Stay safe as always okay?!


Thank you!

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