Chapter 15

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What students fear

It's the time of the day.

The day where everyone needs to stay all night long, the time where students burrowed their heads over their desk, the time that every student fears.


You may laugh at what I am fearing in this day but in some point in your life, I bet you've cried because of a test.

And right now, all I could do was to stare blankly in my room as I remembered the upcoming test this Monday.


What a great way to start the morning huh?

I took off and head downstairs, my eyes were downcast as I eat my food. Usually, I would be eating a lot since I have always prioritize breakfast over getting late but today, I can't even lift my finger to eat another one.

"What's the problem Ying-ying?" I was caught off guard by my mother's nickname for me when I was younger.

"Nothing" I said in a low tone as I looked at my food for one more time before swallowing the remaining one in my mouth.

"Really? Tell Mama, maybe mama can help" she said, her eyes bright and for a second, I almost blurted out the words but luckily I held it in.

I can't let mother know or else I'm dead meat.

I remember the time when I receive a 5 points on a 25 sets of questions in the subject math.

I can almost feel the pain of getting hit by a ruler and the tears flowing out of my face that day.

It was all Wei Xiu's fault!

He showed his math test to my mother and right there and then, I felt my world collapsed when my mother asked for mine.

And because of that, I would never let Wei Xiu inside out house everytime there's a test that we had finished it else I wouldn't be able to see the light again.

" period" I shifted the blame to my period and she nodded her head, seemingly understood the meaning.

Lifting my forgotten cat, Mao Mao, I caressed his chin and he meowed in bliss. Looking at the clock, I sighed and let Mao Mao down.

I left our house with my usual goodbye kiss and saw Wei Xiu standing in our door, his hand was about to open the door knob when I beat him to it.

"Wei Xiu? You're here" I was dumbfounded. I haven't gone with him in the past few days due to him having some extracurricular activities.

I heared that he's one of the candidates on the upcoming student council election, he's apparently chosen to be the president.

"Am I that handsome for you to stare that heavily?" He said with a teasing grin on his face.

Oh! I just want to smack that oh-so handsome face of his.

"Che!" I ignored him and walked on my own before he caught up, his eyes were filled with mirth and a grin hung upon his lips.


"We have a test this Monday, you all remember right?" Our English teacher said and I did my best not to cry at the sad news of her remembering it.

Some of my classmates have already groaned along with their faces getting grey as if they stepped on poop.

"Silence!" The class silenced and my heart beat a little faster. "Your scores will define which University you will go on in the future so study well" she said before dismissing the class.

I almost collapsed on my desk when she said that. Ah! I don't want to study anymore! It's too frustrating and hard!

I'll be a barbecue owner in the future.

"You look devastated" Feng Mian said while I looked at her with my pitiful eyes.

"Feng Mian" I cried at her but lack tears as she patted my head.

"You don't have to say, I understand"

"So? What do you think we should do?" I said to her, anticipating her answer.




"But I hate studying!" I said to her and she just shook her head in front of me saying with a blank face.

"Me too"

Feng Mian! I was almost a bull ready to strike someone's body when she said something that made me agree immediately.

"Why don't we ask Wei Xiu to teach us?"

That's right! Wei Xiu, that slag man is a top tier academic student. He's an intelligent man, even though I hate to say that but it's the truth, and he had always helped me whenever test arrives like a storm in my life.

But of course he's also a man who's stern when it comes to teaching. He's like an asura everytime he saw me staring blankly and not focusing on his words.

He's a lot worse than my math teacher.

"Is that really the best you can do? Even your cat can do better than that"

"Our four year old neighbor can do math already, what happened to you?"

"You want to cry, cry then, I'll let your mother know you're slacking off again"

Those are examples that I have heard from him. His mouth is just too different from his gentle face and I even want to hit him directly on his face but I can't. I may get sued by a hundreds of girls.

"But he...."

Feng Mian looked at me in pity and was about to say something when the teacher comes. Fortunately, she's just three steps away from her seat.

After class ends, I'll tighten my armor and go to the dragons lair to ask if he could tutor me.

If not, I'll just shamelessly pester him until he agrees.

Yep, what a great plan.

Hi people! How are you doing? How's quarantine life? I feel like I'm really bored in the house but at the same time, I didn't want to go out.

It's a good thing not to got out if you don't have any important plans to do.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter! Please stay safe as always people!


Thank you!

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