Chapter 66

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Let me eat in peace!

Lunch came like a thunderbolt, my entire being just froze if it weren't for Feng Mian's nudge, I would have sat still in my seat like a statue and preferably stay there for a long time.

The three of us were silent, their gazes still held curiosity and envy that made my stomach churn in nervousness for the upcoming battle.

I know, Aifen and I had already made up but it doesn't mean that there would be no awkwardness in our table.

"Do you think...we should skip lunch?" My voice was so small they almost didn't hear it.

"You want to...skip lunch?" Feng Mian asked warily before looking at Wei Xiu and me.

The three of us were huddled into the hallway as silence covered our place. I can see Feng Mian's eyes looking at me and Wei Xiu covertly while Wei Xiu blatantly stared at me.

Ugh! Why is this so awkward?!

"Let's just head to the cafeteria"

I give up, I knew my problems wouldn't solve itself, I need to face it and not run away.

Gosh, I can already feel the fear in my heart heightening by every step. It feels like a count down almost, you know a count down for my death?

Soon, I was faced to faced with everyone's eyes, I wanted to move but my feet didn't want to listen to my command.

This situation is much more worse than the last time rumors spread of me and Wei Xiu being together was made, because right now, I know that there's no falsehood on this rumor.

Except for the fact that we're together, we're definitely not, it's just his own wishful thinking.

"Come on" Wei Xiu nudged me slightly, his whole figure almost shielded me from everyone's looks.

Their eyes burned with so much passion, I think it's because we just committed a mistake. We disobeyed the rules, well I didn't, Wei Xiu did.

I really need to have a serious talk with him after this.

Tht three of us sat on the table with Wei Xiu on my right and Feng Mian on my left, the other two came after a few minutes and everyone was just in silence.

I bit my lower lips as I watch my friends look at me and then Wei Xiu before eating. I couldn't even eat my own lunch because I think I'll have indigestion from it.

The silence was broke by Ming Chen which leads me to have a debate in my mind whether to thank him for breaking the tense atmosphere or kill him for making it much worse than it ever has.

"Congratulations to you two"

The silent crowd begun to stir and murmur, their voices were mixed with everyone's reaction to Ming Chen's words.

"We're not together" I said with gritted teeth, my eyes looking sharp for a second as I look at his smiling face.

This stupid guy! He even dares to laugh so loud, how can he do this to me?!

"What?" He asked innocently with a large grin on his face that I really wanted to tear off.

"I'm still courting her"

Heavens! Wei Xiu should have stopped Ming Chen but no! He went along with him and say those stupid flipping words!

"Zhang Wei Xiu!" I hissed at him as I stepped on his foot intentionally, his face didn't even show any emotion as he continued to stare at me with those intense looking eyes.

I squirmed on my seat and accidentally met eyes with Aifen. With that, my face paled and I couldn't even take another bite at my food since I saw the desolate looks on her eyes.

Argh! I really hate this!

"Wei Xiu"

I heard my darling's voice as she called at his name, my heart aches at that time. She look so forlorn I couldn't help myself but to feel guilty again.

I know that I didn't intentionally hurt her feelings but I'm part of it, it still hurts. The reason that your friend looks so unhappy is because of you.

No matter what I reasoned out, I had already hurt her, nothing's gonna change.


He replied and peeled his eyes away from me which created a buzz in my head.

Like it's wrong.

Like it's something that he should have not done, I don't know, I'm not making sense. So I lowered my head down, awaiting for my darling's purpose of calling Wei Xiu.

"Let's talk" my head snapped and my eyes grew wide. Is this what I think it is? Is she going to confess at Wei Xiu again?

It's been a long time, I know he still remembers it, I'm sure of it. The fact that he holds some memory towards my darling greatly relieved me but at the same time made me feel a bit...I don't know.

I don't know what to feel besides the feeling of unsettleness and confusion. There's some tiny bites in my heart that's making me feel all weird.

It doesn't really hurt, it's just uncomfortable. I mean it still bits me's not hurting too much. I reckon it'll get worse if I didn't do anything to solve it.

I don't know.

I really don't know.

Wei Xiu on the other hand agreed and said after class ends will they talk. I'm not sure how the other students heard it but I'm sure another rumor would spread again.

And I would be- the three of us, will be reprimanded by the teachers again.

Ah! I just hope this ends now or else I won't be able to eat again!

Also, I wish that this unsettling feeling from me would left my body, I don't have the time to be so confuse right now.

Hi people! How are you! I hope you're all doing fine!

It's cloudy and it rained here, ah! I love the rain!

Oh! Thank you everyone for your comments and votes! It really warms my heart! Thank you so much!

Stay safe and healthy okay?!


Thank you!

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