Chapter 38

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Sober and over

I woke up with the most painful, excruciating pain I have ever felt in my entire life.

It's like a rock has been lodged in my head and has been repeatedly smash through my insides, all in all, I see pain.

Then I suddenly feel the word spinning around me, all of the things in my vision became two and all of a sudden, I had the impulse to do whatever my gut was telling me to.

And then I threw up.

Yes, I threw up, in the covers warming my body and yes, it is indeed disgusting so I'm not gonna tell more else I'll suffer making your stomach drops in disgust.

"Gosh- you did not just- you freaking did! Goodness gracious!"

I hear Feng Mian in the background but I couldn't even lift my head so I can only grunt to greet her. My eyes are all watery and my mouth smells of horrendous vomit.

"Wa...ter" I coughed at her, my head still lowered in the floor as I wiped the remaining...fluid on my mouth.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait for too long and was able to chug down the water bottle as if I was drowning.

After that, I was ushered by Feng Mian to go and clean myself and to rid of myself of the horrendous smell of vomit on my body. Thank goodness I woke up in like five in the morning or else I don't know how to explain to the teachers the situation I am currently facing.

Soon, I was scrubbed clean and the smell of vomit and alcohol left my system and my body. Taking my P.E. uniform, I got out and breathed the fresh air outside before heading out to Feng Mian.

We were packed in a basement like room and all of the junior year students have arrived, since the teachers are lax to us, they weren't too strict and let us sleep with our friends, but not only with similar sexes.

"You- explain now"

I pouted at her as I recollected the events that happened yesterday. I was on a small like trip with Aifen and we were having so much fun when nature called for her. So I was left on my own devices and saw some couple of workers on the side, drinking something that made me curious.

They must have seen the look of curiosity on my face and urged me to come and join them. I refused so for that, I asked if I could have a sip of that drink they're having. They did look concerned at my words but decided to be lenient for me, I think it was because they're already a bit tipsy and was not in the right mind at that time so yes, they let me drank it.

"Well I just took a sip and then a whole new world has opened up to me, seriously, it was like, magic" I told her with my eyes wide and glittering in amazement.

"Yes, a whole new world my ass! You're underaged! How could you- did you know it was alcohol?" She was enraged and honestly, I couldn't even refute and can only listen to her.

"Uhm...I think?" She glared her eyes at me and I hurriedly said. "I know! Okay! I...I just wanted to know the...taste" my voice was getting weaker and weaker and by the end of my sentence, silence hung up on us.

Then she exploded.

"What are you? An adult?! How can you taste it as of it was just water?! You're still underage and if I was your mother, I would spank your head and groudnd you for a month!" She said, her chest heaving as she glared at me with so much fervor.

"I just wanted a s-sip I-" I was cut off by her words and she shouted again.

"A sip! Give you an inch and you want a mile?! A sip and this is what happened! Just for a sip- then when you became addicted to it and then you would be an alcoholic! Do you understand that?! I'm going to tell your parents" She said and took her phone.

I watch as she relay the events from my mother and by the time that she handed it to me, I was sweating buckets. My heart thumping loudly as I gulped and prepared myself for another 'lesson'

"Xia Liu Ying"

God- she called me in my full name. This means war, chaotic war and I knew I can't even depend on my father. Well after he learns of my 'curiosities' I bet I won't be able to come home again.

"Yes?" Gripping the phone, a laced of anxiety can be heard on my tone.

"Let's talk after you get home, hm?"

At her words, I can only replied yes and waited for my death.

Yes, death.



Aifen dropped by on our room and held hands with me. Her face was full of worry and I couldn't help but have a tinge of guilt looking at her face. She must have suffer some shock or guilt at me.

So I hugged her and told her it was my fault, that I wasn't thinking straight and asked for her forgiveness. Thankfully, she accepted my apology and reprimanded lightly after knowing the reasons of my dissappearance.

So now, I'm on the way to meet my death, lovely.

My hands clasped tightly and I couldn't even breathe nor sleep even though I still feel sleepy.

I don't think I'll be able to set my foot out after this fiasco, moreover I'll be forever banned from getting alcohol even if I became an adult, that's for sure.

I don't care about that but what I care is me being grounded, I cannot let that happen. Everything, I mean everything can happen but not that.

I can clean the entire house or water the plants or even do the household chores. I would study until my brain gets fired but I won't and cannot be able to stand being grounded.

So I turned to my parents favorite child- I mean person- Wei Xiu.

"Wei Xiu" I said with a sticky sweet tone.

He looked at me and cocked his eyebrow, meaning to continue. So I did my very best and put my widest smile and ask.

"Can you talk to my parents about-"

"Absolutely not" he said with a flat voice.

"But-" I wasn't even finished when he interrupted me again.

"You need to learn your lesson" he stated as I drop my head, I know, I'm doing my best to repent too.

"I just..." I trailed off, wanting to see if he would interrupt me again and when he didn't, I continued. "Just don't want to be grounded" I murmured.

He looks at me with contemplation before nodding, I held his hands and shake it in glee.

"Really? Are you really sure? Really?" I asked repeatedly while he calmly nodded. I hugged him tightly and didn't even notice the looks on my classmates faces.

I was too absorbed on the fact that I have a high chance of not being grounded by my parents. This is the best, Wei Xiu is really the best!

Soon, I didn't even let go of his hand and giddily looked at the road, a wide grin etched in my face.

Wei Xiu on the other hand was flustered and red, but he still didn't let go if her hand and just ignored the burning gazes on the students faces.

Hi people! How are you today! Here, ai! So freaking hot! I can't even feel the breeze in here it's just totally hit and dry!

Date check: Today, it's not very hot here since June has already started and there's a storm here so yep, finally! Rain!

I loveeee rain!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! Stay safe as always!


Thank you!

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