Chapter 76

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It took me years to admit defeat!

Ah! Test again!

It's like everything I see in my room were questions upon questions. My mind bursting with so much information more than the time I stayed in earth.

Honestly, it's getting so tiring to do this especially when that big moment comes, oh goodness, just the mere thought of it sends shiver down my spine.

"Focus Ying"

As usual, Wei Xiu is in top shape, both mind and body. His mental strength is beyond every third year student in our school and yes, it makes me proud and envious of me. Come on, even if he's my boy- or whatever, humans would still be envious of his unworldly brain.

"I've been doing this for the past six months! I want some break from it!" I slumped on my bed and rolled my sheets until I resemble a sushi.

My eyes peeking out, I attacked Wei Xiu with my puppy dog eyes making it more limpid and watery at the same time.

He sighed in his seat, he looked at me and took a quick kiss from my forehead which made me burn up, whether in anger or embarrassment.

"You know I'll never refuse you when you do that"

I grinned at his words, of course I've been with you for almost all my life. It would be a shame if I didn't learn your weaknesses and it is a wonderful advantage that I am your girlfriend.

A really great advantage.

He pinched my nose when he saw my wide grin, it wasn't too hard but it did made my face black. I snap at his hands and bit his finger in the passing.

"Now, now, let's see where we should go then" his palm continued to caressed my head with a fond look in his eyes.

I didn't saw it because I was immersed at the thought of me leaving this four walls of boredness I called.

Yippe! We're finally leaving this hell hole!


"Ying! Don't get too far!"

"I won't!"


As soon as I was out of my room, I gladly took on my bike and caressed my cat Mao Mao before leaving. My parents agreed after my endless reasons of 'why I should leave the house so I won't get insane' and with the help of the ever smooth talker named Wei Xiu, they agreed.

Soon, I was going wild in the arcade, my eyes wide as I took in the colorful lights blinding my sight, red cheeks as I puffed out short breaths from the game I just did and I enjoyed the moment because I know, it wouldn't last.

We would go back to what we were; a third year student whose about to embark into a journey of uncertainty.

My mood dampened a bit when a hand captured my head and turned me into its direction. My eyes snapped to a very angry man named Wei Xiu, he was huffing as he calmed his breath.

"You fool!"

My ears rang and I couldn't help but pout at his obvious unnecessary fear.

"I told you to not go too far and you obviously didn't listen to me"

I can only look at him with my puppy dog eyes to survive. Yep, I will act as shameless if I could live.

"Don't- ugh! Fine! Just...just don't go away from my sight" he said in a low, defeated voice that made me grin.

Ha! Beat that Wei Xiu! I know you would always give in to me. Well, he has always done that, making me feel spoiled and treat his acts as normal when in fact, it wasn't.

I didn't knew that I was already so used at his existence, to the way he took my hands, so tight I felt like he'll never let go to the things he say so casually when it is in fact a double edge word.

Then the fact that I feel like I've been dating with him for years before he confessed due to the things that we've done in the past, which is like almost half of the couple's in this world did. That thought made my stomach flip, it wasn't something painful but it was a bit uncomfortable.

I looked sideways at Wei Xiu's side profile and as he watched me in the sideline, I could feel my restless heart settle down. My eyes filled with mirth and something along the lines of contentment.

"Silly Wei Xiu, really a sly dog man" I murmured under my breath as I took my eyes away from him.

He really is a sly dog, roping me in with his deep set of black pools, seducing me with his bass sounding voice and looking at me with those find and gentle eyes, ah, I admit.

I admit defeat.

Hi people! It's gonna end like it was supposed to! Wah! It's finally ending!

Feng Mian and Ming Chen's story would be uploaded next. I hope you like it! Thank you everyone for this amazing journey, I honestly can't believe it's ending, but every story ends.

Stay tuned for more!


Thank you!

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