Chapter 35

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Angering me when the famous great aunt has visited!

Should I tell him or not?

I don't know, I still feel a bit embarrassed at the thought of him giving me a sanitary pad, worse, the awkward air on us will probably make things about more harder.

I know, I've been a friend of him for a long time but it doesn't excuse the fact that we are two different humans.

I'm a girl and he's not.

He's a boy and I'm not.

We're two different people who suffers from different changes in our body.

Even though I hate to feel this- this thing called shame. The feeling of understanding the fact that you're different from him and there would be a lot of instances that will happen that gets you to see a different version of yourself and his, it's just!

Just too awkward and annoying!

So I opted to call Aunt Tang by informing Wei Xiu. He looks a bit confused but he didn't dwell too much in it. Few minutes later, I heard Aunt Tang's voice.

"Little Ying? What happened? Is there something wrong?"

"Uhm...uh..that is.." I trailed off, still a bit shy at the fact that Aunt Tang will know about my 'little accident'

"Did something happen? Did Wei Xiu bully you? That nasty stinking brat-"

"No! I mean uh- no. He didn't- he...just...I'm...I got a visit from my great aunt"

She seems a bit confused, I was still squirming nervously when she suddenly widens her eyes.

"Oh! Oh...uh...let Aunt Tang give you some...cough...some pad okay?" I nodded at her while she ruffled my hair.

She left the bathroom door and there stood Wei Xiu, his face a bit strained. I just looked at him for a second and avoided my eyes, still a bit flushed at my situation right now.

"Mom? Is something the matter?" I heard him saying before the door closed with Aunt Tang's words saying 'It's a girl matter!'

Aunt Tang! Why did you- no! How could you say that to him?! You may not realize because you're too accustomed around Wei Xiu that you don't realize that he's too smart to realize the meaning behind your words!

Aunt Tang! How am I gonna face him again with my head held high?!

I slumped on the bathroom floor and wished for the ground to swallow me up. Ugh! I don't want to show my face to Wei Xiu again!

He's a smart boy and I bet he's blushing beet red right now! Ugh! Why now of all days!

I stood up and opened the bathroom door to peek at him, true to my words, his while face is blushing beet red. I sighed in frustration then accidentally locked gazes with him.

For a second, I was just too shock to meet his eyes that I forgot to avoid it. Then I closed the door with a bang before I heard him coughing and the sound of something crashing on the floor was heard.

Not long after that, I heard Aunt Tang reprimanding Wei Xiu for his careless actions and knocked on the bathroom door before I opened it.

"Here, don't worry, I haven't used it yet. I think you need to go home now, it's not good for you to be out in the cold" she said with concern and I agreed with her.

"I'll just pack my things and...uh...thank you Aunt Tang" she left me alone to finish my business after smiling at me.

It didn't took too long for me to get out of the bathroom and once met Wei Xiu's gaze again and squirm at his continuous look.

"I think Wei Xiu should take you home" Aunt Tang's worried voice made me snap off my gaze to Wei Xiu and was once again aghast at that thought.

"No need Aunt Tang, it's really, really fine for me to go home by myself" I said as I plead at her with my eyes.

I can't shame myself once more in the presence of Wei Xiu! No more or I'll really be too embarrassed to look at him!

"Alright if you say-"

"I'll take her home" Wei Xiu interrupted and said while he glanced at me before taking my things.

The two of us left while I walk with a fast paced, a hint of embarrassment still etched on my face.

I definitely do not want to have a talk with him, I know I would definitely regret it since I won't be tutored by him but who cares! I've shames myself too much I can't even lift my head towards him.

No more!

Soon, I was now in front of my home and was about to take my things away from his hold when he suddenly backed away.

"Wei Xiu?" I ask, now confuse at his actions.

"You...uhm...earlier I-"

"Stop! Stop! Stop! I don't wanna hear it! Lalala~ I don't hear you lalala~" I slapped my hand to my ears and shut my eyes while singing incoherent lyrics.

Then I felt his hand gripping my wrist before he forced it out of my ear. His eyes turned deadly serious and I could only gulp in fear.

"Wei Xiu?"

He's still looking at me with that serious look on his face and to be honest, it's really scaring me.

"You- ah, no need to be embarrassed it''s just natural, what you're feeling would fade too" he said, his voice light and gentle across the deep night.

"Uhm" I could only say, still a little uncomfortable at our position. His palm still holds mine and his face is lowered to meet my eyes.

"Changes are bound to happen, you do not need to worry"

Is he- no, I don't think so.

Is he worrying over me?


His eyes were a half crescent when he smiles and then his lips quirked up before saying.

"You're a lady now huh?"

This bas- seriously!

Hi people! How are you today in this so very hot weather? I've been reading the story "A dash of demise" and it's really, really freaking good! I've been re-reading it for a lot of time because I absolutely adore it!

Send me some recommendations for some Wattpad stories eh? Anyways, thank you so much for the reads and votes!


Thank you!

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