Chapter 56

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Stepping up the game with the guys!

One step can land you on a very tight situation.

One error can lead your existence as a mistake.

One single word can sever you're relationship with one another.

Yes, just one single action can make things go wrong or worse, irreparable.

Everything was a blur and before I knew it, I was suddenly pressed into the wall, my back against it as I looked at his darkening eyes before he leaned down to me.

So let me tell you what happened two hours earlier.

It was like any other day, it was Saturday so I figure I'm just gonna go out and have some ice cream.

Yet Wei Xiu went along with me, I think it's about a month and some days since he came on our house and lived there.

It was such a rollercoaster ride.

He always appear on my sight, everytime I left to go to school and come home, he's always the person I see and lock eyes on.

It's like the world around me has gotten smaller compared to before.

"Are you a dog?" I couldn't help but asked.

"I'm a human" he said deadpanned.

"I know you are, but you act like a dog" he quirked his brows. "An obsessive one"

He is quite obsessive, I mean in the early years he was a bit lax but now, it's as if his favorite toy was being eyes on by a lot of dogs and that's the reason why he's always hovering around me.

Anyways, I'm just thankful enough that he didn't applied for the student union back then. If he did, I'll be dead.

I mean he's the one leading the entire school and will have the power to enforce any law, of course with the teacher's permission but who is he kidding? That guy can out talk several lawyers and probably make them speechless then make people believe his words.

Just like that.

So yes, I'm thankful that he didn't became the president or else my school life would have been a disaster.

So I didn't wait for his reply and went inside the convinience store and bought some strawberry flavored ice cream. After I payed for it, I walk back home before remembering something.

"Hey Wei Xiu"


He was still walking with me, he was just a couple of inches away from me so I figured that I should grow some balls (yeah right) and ask him.

About my darling.

"'s a really random question but...does Aifen have a chance to be with know?" I asked him as I continued to walk around, not knowing that he had already stopped walking with me.

It was an awkward silence.

I looked behind me and saw that he was standing still, as if time has stopped. What happened to him? Wait- is he really contemplating about it?!

That two faced sly dog!

How can he think- well he should think about the repercussions that he'll suffer if he tried to think of making my darling his!

Her parents might agree but not me buddy, not me.

"Don't you ever dare think that you'll have a chance on my Aifen! Don't even think of her or anything about her! She's pure, beautiful and just everything you and every men wants for a girlfriend! She's a-"

"Shut up"

I was surprised at his cold tone, it seemed so detached and emotionless. My spine got some shivers after hearing that.

Then he strode towards me, his eyes darkened and I can feel a threatening aura around him. His eyes scared me, it was just too much for me to look at so I avoided it and backed up.

Until I met the cold, rough wall.


So thats what happened and I don't really know what ignited his spark for him to be this furious.

I mean I just asked some question, it's nothing for him to be angry about. Right? I mean I'm supposed that I'm too much, that I acted like a parent lecturing someone around my age so yep, I think that's the reason.

So I continued to ask him questions not knowing that he's like a ticking time bomb.

Awaiting for a spark to ignite his repressed actions.

"Do you really like Aifen that much?" I couldn't help but asked and now I regret it.

"Xia. Liu. Ying" he said while gritting, it was obvious that he's angry now that he suddenly states my full name.

"What?! Am I wrong?!" I couldn't help but defend myself, I mean I just asked, he could just answer! It's a yes or no! Nothing too hard about that!

Then he smirked and abruptly decided to lean so close to me that I could feel his lashes brushing across my face. I closed my eyes at that moment, my heart beating so fast I'm surprised I haven't gotten a heart attack yet. My hands were in a fist and I'm sweating buckets, I could feel his warmth encasing me, making me feel hot all over.

And then heard a chuckle from none other than him, I opened my two tight closed eyes and saw his eyes dancing with amusement.

And then I erupted.

"Zhang Wei Xiu! I'm telling you I'm done with your tricks! I absolutely hate-"

Like a dragonfly skimming through the calm water, his lips descended suddenly on mine creating a ripple in my heart.

The heat of his lips were prominent, his hard body pressing into mine caught me off guard as he savored my lips as if it was his favorite sweet.

I stayed silent, unable to talk after his lips left mine.

"Xia Liu Ying, be my girlfriend"

Oh snap!

And that ladies and gentlemen, is what I'm talking about in the first place, if you did manage to read it.

Yes! Wei Xiu just went for it! Good job Wei Xiu!

Well, that's interesting, I wonder what Liu Ying's reaction would be after that!

Thank you so much for the votes and comments! Anyways, I hope you like this chapter!


Thank you!

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