Chapter 45

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and new Beginnings

I was scouting the area, trying to find traces of Aifen. It didn't take long for me to find Aifen. She was sitting under the shade of the tree, her eyes focused on the textbook that she's reading.

The courage I've built yesterday up to this day has vanished.

My lips dried up and I felt like my heart was lodged in my throat. I wiped my sweaty palms on my skirt and drew a large breathe.

"You can do this Liu Ying, you can do this!" I whispered over and over, like a mantra as I walk towards her direction.

Then I stopped in front of her, she looked up and seemed to be unprepared.

"Hi... Aifen" I felt awkward all over, I feel like there's thousands of worms crawling on my body as I continued to look at her.

"Oh...uhm...hi" she said with a blush adorning her cheeks. She looked down and fiddled her fingers around her book, she looks the same as me.

Awkward as hell.


Both of us said after a minute of silence, it was unexpected. She's apologizing to me, I mean it's a good thing but still, I think I'm more in the wrong than her.

I sighed and then said. "I'm more sorry" which she responded with. "I'm so sorry too"

Then for some unknown reason, I suddenly felt the need to do something I think will salvage our friendship or not.

I laughed.

"Pfft- I'm sorry" I tried to wipe the smile on my lips but to no avail, it stuck there.

"No, it's fine" she said with that bright smile of hers.

The two of us looked at each other, one standing and the other one seating, then laugh simultaneously. We didn't know the reason why we laugh but it's just...something in my gut told me to laugh and I think hers did too.

So we laughed together, her clear, bell like laugh combined with my boisterous one made some students to notice us. They went in their own ways, not before giving us quizzical looks which we both ignored.

I took a seat and hugged her hand, refusing to let go of her and murmured for her to only hear.

"I'm sorry for being too insensitive yesterday"

"No, I'm sorry for being too sensitive, I'm fine now and I realized that I'm just too stressed at that day so...I took it to you. I'm sorry Liu Ying, will you forgive me?"

It didn't take long for me to register and I shouted. "No! I'm sorry too! I promise I'll always support you! I forgive you too so...can you forgive me too?" She smiled and nod her head.

After that day, the two of us solidified out friendship more. I also found out that she's just too shy to talk to her classmates and that she found a new group to be with.

I'm glad she found new friends and also a bit sad that she will not have some time for me.

Well, I'll always be by her side and support her, it doesn't matter!


"Why are you here?" I immediately gave him the stink eye, he was standing on our door with a duffle bag on his hand.

Did he runaway from home? How childish!

"Is Aunt Rou home?" He asked, avoiding my gaze with a flushed look on his face. Then I looked at myself and suddenly find myself shrieking in anger.

Since it's Sunday and the night has come, I always dress up with some big and baggy sweat shirt, you know, Mondays are not my thing.

Yep, Mondays are just... terrible.

Fortunately, my sweat shirt hung pass above my knees so he didn't see something he shouldn't have seen.

I didn't know that someone was coming up here and I didn't realize that I just walked up and opened the door, scantily clad like this!

Just a sweat shirt and an underwear without a bra!

Shameful! This pervert fox! Rogue!

"Don't you dare look at me or else I'll claw your eyes and feed it to my cat!" I shouted in anger, my veins popping in my forehead as I hurried back to my room to pick my pajamas and wore my undergarments.

It didn't take long for me to meet his gaze and all of a sudden, I felt too hot. My cheeks felt ablaze in fire as I felt like my whole body was submerged in a sea of fire.

Clearing my throat, I met his gaze and then avoided it in an instant.

"Mom's not here, dad's still in the office" I murmured underneath my breath.

"Uhm... I-I wanted to t-talk to them" he said, his words were in shambles as he tried to look composed.

Yeah right, composed my foot! Look how red his ears are! Hmph!

"So why are you here?"

"Mom and dad is on a trip and...they wanted me to stay here-"

"No you won't!" I shouted in a fit of anger. How can he live here, no, how can I live here learning that he will stay here!

In my home, in my comfort zone!

Besides, mom loves him and practically treats him like her child more than me, so I'm deadly sure she'll agree.

Before that happens, I must get this crazy guy out of my abode!

"No! You can't! And don't you dare try to reason with me, it's my house! My house, my rules!" I shouted and tried to get him to judge from his position when he held my hand swiftly and looked me in the eye.

"I bet you're mom would love to have me here, wouldn't she?" He asked with that awfully annoying grin of his.

"Not until she know which she won't" I bite back and tugged at my wrist. He let it go and leaned at me before saying.

"She already knew. You know I'm always ahead of you" he said then opened his phone before flashing it to my face.

I read the contents and burst into flames, my eyes must be red from the anger I'm feeling right now due to this insufferable man!

"Argh! I really hate you!"

Hi people! Today, ah, it's not raining. Why?! Why don't we have winter?! I want to have snow, I wanted to feel cold rather than hot!

I love the cold weather!

Anyways, enough of my rants, I hope you like this chapter! Thank your for the votes and the comments!


Thank you!

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