Chapter 34

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Some side effect of being a woman

I've been grumbling for the past hours, my mouth still in a frown everytime I see him looking back on me.

I could feel my hands itching to just slap the back of this annoying man but I held it, I need to or else I'll be dead.

There's still another exam coming up and I cannot mess it since my parents always regard my education more seriously.

Since we've already left school and is now on our way to the usual road we take to go home, I calmed myself since I'm preparing for a battle again.

I know, I'm always in a battle towards Wei Xiu and I don't mind it, it's a bit fun too!

I stopped walking and held his sleeves while looking up, trying to make myself look more cute than my cat Mao Mao.

"Wei Xiu" I said with such a sickening sweet tone.

"Hm?" He said languidly, his eyes stared back at my furious one so I immediately changed my look.

"Wei Xiu....I'm your greatest friend right? The best of all the best? You know that I'm always there for you and will-"

"Just come to my room at 8" he cut me off, not noticing the slight blush in his ear.

My eyes went wide and I almost lunged at him but opted to just smile foolishly, immediately forgetting what he did earlier.

"You're the best!" I said with my thumb doing a good sign.

After getting home, I immediately took my books and some notepads before screaming at my parents that I'll be home before 11.

I waved then goodbye as well as my unwilling cat, Mao Mao, his tail flicking on my hand and his face scrunched up resembling a distorted paper.

My hands find itself reaching for the door knob before it opened by itself. I found myself looking at Wei Xiu, his white shirt clung to his body and the tips of his hair is still slightly wet.

"Why didn't you properly dry your hair?" I scrunched up and pushed him inside their house before grabbing his hand and making him seat down the sofa.

My hands automatically touched the unknown garment in front of me and cried his hair. When we were kids, it was always like this. Whenever he showers, he would always left his hair unattended and in turn, result into a cold.

Of course, that job became mine when I saw his hair dripping out in their carpet and here I am, drying his hair like I've always done.

"How sweet"

"Absolutely adorable"

I heard whispers from behind me and instantly dropped the towel on the floor. I turned my back and saw Aunt Tang and Uncle Zhang grinning towards me. My hair's automatically stood as I saw their wide grins.


They never saw me, nor my parents, dried Wei Xiu's hair before and I also never got to told them. I thought in my head back then that it was akin to drying Mao Mao after a bath.

"Oh, continue" Aunt Tang said while I forcibly smiled at them before drying or should I say clench Wei Xiu's hair in anger.

After seeing them back off, I immediately stopped and throw the towel on the floor before shouting.

"You really are too much!"

"How am I too much?" He responded back and I grtitted my teeth in anger.

"They must have misunderstood! How can you act like a child! You're already a teenager!" I hissed at him venomously.

"What? I didn't knew that I act like a child"

"That's it! Come here you dirty little bas- umph!"

My mouth was slapped shut by his hands and of course I retaliated by biting it. He took his hands off hastily and I took this chance to knock his forehead by knocking it with my palm.


That's right, the sound was too loud that even the Aunt Tang and Uncle Zhang would hear it. Looking at the red patch on his forehead, it was glaring red.

Even though I'm Aunt Tang's favourite, I can't still let her see me hurting her son, so I held his wrist tightly and shushed him.

We went to his bedroom without hindrance and I a big sigh of relief passed through my lips.

"I won't tutor you"


My hand slapped his wooden desk before pointing at him and say.

"How could you be this petty! You always knock my forehead so why can't I do it too?! Why? Is there a law that states that you're the only one who can knock on my forehead? None! Can you be more unreasonable?!"

Then I noticed the temperature getting colder and saw his eyes narrowing into slits. I think he's angry- no, he is angry.

Why?! How could he be angry when I just suffered a misunderstanding earlier! How could he be this petty! Hmph! Prince my ass!

"What?! Why are you glaring at me?! I can hit you and I will hit you!" I shouted and then cried.

I think I'm going crazy.

Big drop of tears fell on my scowling face and I just cried harder. I don't know the reason of my tears and I just cried like the first time I lost my doll due to Wei Xiu.

I felt a big rough palm gently wiping my tears and softly grazing my lashes. Tears still glazed my sight and all I could do was to sniff like a kid.

"Crying again, are you a kid?" He said softly but his words are very much thorny.

"Hmph! You bullied me!" I grievously said, my lips on a pout.

"Fine, I apologise so don't cry again, hm?" I just nodded and he gently held my wrist before wiping my face with a towel.

Now he's the one drying my face.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I said, still a bit embarrassed at my sudden outburst.

He nodded and I opened the bathroom door before looking at the mirror. My eyes look puffy and red while my nose still has some residue left of snot.

Ugh! Seriously!

I washed my face and was about to go out when a thought made its way on my brain. I immediately went to the cubicle and saw some red spots on my underwear.


The reason behind my unexpected outburst.

Menstruation! Ugh!

Hi people! My school works are finished, I really hope it's finished now!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! Stay safe as always!


Thank you!

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