Chapter 58

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She who doesn't know what to do anymore

It was all too sudden.

Like a stone suddenly thrown into the deep calm lake.

His actions were too sudden and has created ripples on her calm mind.

He was her friend, even though she consider him as her archenemy all the time, he is still a friend for her.

He was always in her life.

He and she grew up together, their eyes are already familiar with every crook and cranny of their body, their faces are etched up in one's mind.

Moreover, he was present in every milestone of her life.

He watch her cry, smile, get angry and sad, laugh joyfully at every single thing.

He was there.


His mere presence has already been imprinted in her life.

He was no doubt someone she knew, and now, he is already someone who she doesn't know anymore.


It was all too sudden for her.

She was there in his life.

He knew her like the back of his hand, even with his eyes closed he can recite her features one by one.

He knew her everything, from the things that made her cry to the moments that made her smile.

She was everything to him.

He knew, even as a child, he knew that his feelings for her was different from the way she feels about him.

He already knew the difference yet he still continued.

She was like the fire and he was the moth, she burned him with every fiber yet he doesn't care.

He was willing to be burned just to get so close to her.

Just to have her attention.

She treats him as her family, and yes, he is her family. Although not blood related, she will be a part of his family soon enough.

A family that only the two of them will create.


I stood still as a statue as I process the words he just said earlier.

The cold hard wall penetrated across my skin yet I feel numb, unfeeling at everything yet not to him.

My brain was on a mush, my insides were burning and my stomach was flipping on all sides.

I don't know what to do anymore, I don't even know what to think and what to response.

He just looked at me with his deep set penetrating eyes, he was looking at me with so much intensity that I can almost feel beads of sweat appearing on my forehead.

"Liu Ying" his voice was a little hoarse and his figure leaned so close to me that I almost wanted to paste myself to the other side of the wall.

"Yes?" I squeaked a response as he drop his head into my shoulders which made me flinched but he held his hands to steady me.

Puffs of breath were released on my neck that gave me goosebumps. He was warm all over and I could hear my heart beating so much on my ribcage. With how close he is, I think he can hear the loud thumping of my heart.

"Wei Xiu" I whispered in nervousness as I heard steps coming on our way.

He sighed in my shoulder and leaned back. I sighed in relief and was about to walk away from him when he held my palm.

His hands were much bigger than mine, it was also a bit rough to the edge and warm. I looked at his pitch black eyes that seemed to contain my figure.

"Be my girlfriend" he repeated once more and that just confirmed my suspicions.

I looked at him wide eye, he was serious for his eyes never left mine. My heart beat so hard I was almost out of breath.


I can only ask that question, it was filled with hesitancy, fear and unease.

I'm not beautiful.

I'm not smart.

I'm not popular.

I'm not someone like him.

I can't even hold a handle at his existence, just staying beside him was too much for me to bear, too much attention for me to handle.

He was too much while I think of myself so little.

He can choose any women, anyone and yet he chose me. There are a lot of fishes in the sea that are much more prettier than me, smarter than me and more popular than me.

There's always a person whose better than you and for that, I still can't believe how he got his feelings and how it developed into this.

I didn't know that my head was bowed when I felt his hands clasp on my chin and forced me to look up to meet his dark filled eyes.

"We will talk later" he said after a minute and I just nod my head, unaware of the helplessness in his eyes.

We continued to walk while my mind wandered around making so many conclusions.

His hand still enclasped mine while I was sweating buckets. I don't want anyone and I mean everyone to see me holding hands with him.

I don't even want to hold hands with him yet here I am, holding his tightly while we walk down the street towards our home.

It was irritating to some point, it was also frightening some times. I don't exactly know what to feel anymore except fear.

Fear for the unknown feelings he developed for me.

Fear for my future actions.

Fear for everything and most of all, fear of getting swayed at his actions.

Let's just hope those remain as fears and nothing more.

I hope.

Hi people! Just a glimpse of Wei Xiu and Liu Ying's perception of each other. How is it?

Anyway, thank you so so much for the votes and comments!

Happy 2k reads people! I'll keep up the good work! Thank you so so much for giving this story a chance!

Stay safe and healthy!


Thank you!

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