Chapter 39

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My mother versus her favorite person, Wei Xiu

Time passed by while I slept, of course what else can I do on my impending death- oh wait.

I already have a high chance of living thanks to Wei Xiu!

Ha! Beat that!

Soon, I find myself being shook by no other than Wei Xiu, my eyes narrowing a bit before rubbing the sleepiness away. Stretching myself from my seat, I take a look at the window and almost got a heart attack.

Feng Mian had already left and there are only about six students left in our bus.

We're already in my home with my mother in tow, her face brightens as she saw us getting down the bus, and I could see her infamous smile that doesn't reach her eyes.


I really am in trouble, seriously.

So I can only hold Wei Xiu's arm, my eyes down to the ground as I took a deep breath before smiling at my mother.

Then she suddenly ran towards me with her hands unfolded and what I saw was a hanger dangling on her arm.


"Mom! Don't do this- ah! Mom!" I shouted as I held Wei Xiu's body and decided to make him my shield.

I took Wei Xiu's wrist and run as if my life was being sucked from my mother's murderous aura. We had almost circled the whole neighborhood and I avoided her with a though of 'Don't let that hanger hit me'

My mother on the other hand continued to swung the hanger as if it was a weapon and wanted to injure me- her only child that she cared for about ten months.

"You stupid child! Come back here and I'll forgive you!"

Ha! If I did then I wouldn't be your daughter! I'm not a fool mom! I know that the second I get there you would but me as if I was a meat and probably won't be able to control your strength hence impaling me.

"Mommy! I promise I- huff- won't do it again so- cough- please relinquish your anger!" I said in between breaths as I gasp in breath. I don't even think my mother even listened as she continued to hurl me with her hanger.

That bloody hanger! Sooner or later I will break that piece of plastic!

So for a long time, I continued to hold Wei Xiu as my mother swung her weapon at me and me, tried her best to avoid it and lest get Wei Xiu injured.

All in all, it was a disaster.

Some of our neighbors saw us and with a knowing smile, they didn't even stopped my mother and instead encourage her with claps.

Seriously! How could you all be like this! Can't you see that my mother wants me dead and here you are encouraging her!

My mother finally stopped her wild chase at me while I huff behind Wei Xiu, who doesn't even break in sweat, and just looked at her.

Waiting for a trap behind her sudden halt.

"Come here now, I assure you I won't hurt you" she said as if she was a trainer and I was the animal she wants to tame.

And as a result, I looked at her with so much hesitancy with my eyes locked on her own as I wait for her to be angry again. When I didn't see her eyes faltering, I heaved a sigh of relief and walked towards her.

And that was the time that I regret ever trusting my mother's oh-so trusting eyes.

She snapped and I was soon disposed- I mean thrown to my room and was lectured for a very, very long time.

Wei Xiu on the other hand was quirking his lips, seemingly amused at my demise as I signalled him with my eyes.

He smiled and turned to my mother, I anticipated his words and almost worshipped him.

"Aunt Rou, I think Ying won't ever do it again" he started off while my mother turned red.

"She dares!"

"I don't! I don't dare mommy!" I said with my eyes wide and my lips pouting while she narrowed her eyes at my act.

"I assure you she wont do it again, or I'll be the one punishing her" he said with an obvious malicious intent on his eyes.

Though I hate to agree with me, I nodded my head like a broken stereo. My mother's punishment is worse than Wei Xiu's and I really don't want a repeat of my mother's chase again.

"Aunt Rou, I know that Ying is a willful and disobedient child, I know the hardships that you had raising her. I've had my fair shares of her escapades and I know how much patience you exercised just for her to be able to live well. Aunt Rou is one of the greatest mother that I've seen and because of that, my heart aches everytime Ying did an unfillial thing to you. Do not fret more Aunt Rou, I will definitely scold her and won't turn a blind eye at her wrong actions"

I nodded at his every word, yes he just made me an unfillial child, yes he made me like a brat child who hasn't matured her mind yet and yes, he just showered my mother with compliments. I'm not arguing with that, at least I could see my mother's dark face suddenly brightens at his every word.

Seriously, me and Wei Xiu must have swapped parents.

Soon, my mother was convinced and left me and of course without giving me a lecture again. I endured without saying any words h til she left with a satisfied look.

I heaved a sigh of relief and slumped on my bed, tired at the events that has unfolded from the very first step that I took on the trip.


I looked on my right as Wei Xiu looked with a brooded gaze. I stared at him in silence, quietly deciding on what gift I should give him since he just saved me from my death.

"Liu Ying"

"Yes?" I asked confusedly when he suddenly smiled at me.

It was a smile full of wickedness and everything vanished, my thoughts from earlier left my mind as I continued to look at his wicked expression.


And in that time, I have realized that my mother was too lenient with her lecture and with Wei Xiu's lecture, I have truly felt what it means to be buried while still alive.


Hi people! Sorry if it's not that enjoyable, I'm really, really sleepy. It's been three or maybe give days since I was repeatedly awoken at 6 in the morning. Mind you, I slept at 12 and I just got like 5-6 hours of sleep, great.

Anyways, I hope you are all healthy and happy!


Thank you!

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