Chapter 48

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My poor, pure eyes! Gone!

"You got scolded? In your second week of school?"

I looked at Aifen with a downcast mood and looked down once again. I can't let my darling see me in this embarrassing state I am in, I can't let that happen.

"It's fine! It's nothing just...standing outside of the class" I said trying to make the situation better when it's actually not.

It's something that I don't want for her to experience- who am I kidding? I bet she didn't got scolded by teachers all her life, she would be filled with praises and good advices.

Unlike me.

Well, I mean students get scolded by their teachers too, it's a normal thing. What's not normal is how Wei Xiu got those teachers to be at his every biddings, of course with his looks and brain he could do that.

Honestly, it's really unfair to have a perfect man like him. I'm still trying to find his flaw- oh, I did find something.

That one dirt that any person can dig up on his life would be me.

I mean I would always make him do what I wanted, not always but still! And I would always have fights that made his exterior crack and show who he truly is.

"You'll be scolded by your parents the moment they learned of this" Feng Mian said as she munched on her lunch.

"Well, unless someone snitched on them" I said and looked at Wei Xiu with a hard glare and continued. "Then nothing would happen"

Ming Chen on the other hand raised his brows and commented. "Does he have the heart to tattle tale on you?" After that comment, he was elbowed by Wei Xiu on his chest as he coughed with tears almost spilling on his eyes.

"Shut up" he muttered lowly which I caught on earlier.

"You're so disgusting" Feng Mian said as she looked at the mess Ming Chen did.

"I'm taking that as a compliment" he winked at her and she began another set of punch on his arms.

"Woman! You- stop it!"

"Don't you dare touch me with your filthy claw!" She hissed in anger while I popped my mouth with some imaginary popcorn.

Honestly, if those two were bombs, they would had already created another world war III.

"Anyway, do you want me to teach you after school? I mean I can al-" she didn't need to continue her words when I sprang into my seat and hugged her tightly.

"I would love to! Aw! Darling, you really are my one and true love!"

"Your one and true love is Usui Takumi" Feng Mian interjected.

"Well you're partially, I mean that's a hundred percent correct but still, there's a space for my lovely Aifen in my heart!" I said as I hugged her with all my might.

Finally! I won't be tutored by that Spartan trainer named Wei Xiu!


I did told my parents, I think it's better for them to what it out to me that from Wei Xiu. I know he'll tell the truth while I can distort the truth and add some things that can make me more pitiful.

So I did.

And boy I knew how much my mother's hangers hurt! I felt like I have some broken bones from my arms and back! Goodness, my mother didn't even hold herself up!

She went too all in!

"This unruly girl! Xia Liu Ying, I'm telling you! You better straighten up yourself or I'll be the one doing that! You understand?!" My mother filled with fury said as I nodded.

"I promise but..." I trailed off, she looked at me with her discerning eyes.


" friend....Dar- I mean Aifen wants to tutor me"

"That's great! But Wei Xiu's here and-" I didn't let my mother finished and made up an excuse.

"He can't! He told me earlier! He um...he was needed in school. You know? Those um...yeah...he's busy" my mother narrowed her eyes and took a step forward to my direction.

I gulped and instantly, my palms sweat like crazy. I could feel the loud beat of my heart and looked at her straight-out.

The number one rule when lying: look the person you're lying to in the eyes so it's more believable.

"Fine, but be back at 10"

"Thank you Mommy!" I kissed her cheeks and continued to pepper her with some more kisses when she shove my head away from her.

I didn't get mad though, she just agreed to let me go to Aifen's house! That's a really rare opportunity since I'm almost bound in my home for months!

"With Wei Xiu accompanying you, I'll agree, so ask him" she said and just left me in the living room with my mouth hanging off of my face.


What! I thought I can be alone with my Aifen! How- I knew it! Wei Xiu must have tattletale on my parents before I could say it!

Ugh! Stupid, foxy man!

I stomped my feet towards his room and opened the door rudely, without any knock and just went straight to his room.

Then I shouted.

I just- I saw his- No! My pure eyes! My pure and lovely eyes! They're ruined by that despicable, sinful and nauseating sight!

I just walked in when Wei Xiu just left the bathroom. His hair was in a mess with some of the strands falling on his eyes, still a bit wet. The water dropped from his long full lashes down to his tall bridge nose up to his thin ruby lips looking luscious from his shower. Then it dropped a little lower down his neck and adams apple before falling lower to his chest and- no!

Stop imagining it!

Ah! My mind's been corrupted by him! That guy- how could he- why didn't he lock the door! Does he think that he's the only one living in this house?!

Argh! Stupid prick!

Hello everyone! How are you today?! I feel sleepy, yep, right off the bat I feel sleepy. I hope you can correct some grammatical errors on my book, but can you do it nicely? Thank you!

Anyways, thank you so much for the votes and the comments! Greatly appreciate them!


Thank you!

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