Chapter 24

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Friday means Fun day!

It's Friday and today, we have a tradition where we go out and just have fun after school, every friday.

Of course the rotations have been made fair and square through playing rock, paper and scissors.

And of course, I won, then the next winners are Ming Chen, Feng Mian, Aifen and lastly, the person whose luck in playing rock, paper and scissors is worse than the four of us combined is Wei Xiu.

My feet has been itching to go now and have fun. But of course, I still need to do some listen to my teacher spewing jokes that are obviously not funny.

But who am I to judge? Seriously, he's really no fun though.

Then came social studies and of course, it's a very, very boring lesson. I almost collapsed in my desk of not for my desk mate dropping her pen into her desk creating a loud sound.

Another subject, English and I almost bury my head to my desk to make myself invisible to my teacher's eyes.

She's one of the most passionate one out there, too much passion though that's it's almost leaking our of the room.

You know those moments when you're teacher starts to look for a student to do a report, yep, that's exactly the situation I'm facing in.

And it's not cool.

Definitely not cool!

Anyways, all of our heads were down and some would even write on their paper in order to avoid our teacher's eyes. If we meet gazes then it's over for you.

I don't think I'll be able to stomach myself presenting in front of the class.

I'll puke.

Plus it's in English too, yikes!

Anyways, my teacher has finally found a scapegoat and almost all of the entire class breathed in relief.

The familiar sound of the bell make its way on my ear and I finally felt revived. Finally! Class is over and I can now go out of this stiffling prison!

I immediately took my unused pen and notebook and out it on my bag, after that, I waited at Feng Mian like a dog wagging its tail waiting for its master.

"Feng Mian! Hurry up!" I couldn't help but say.

"Ugh! Fine I just need to call my parents first" I nodded my head and didn't intrude her business with her parents anymore.

I'm not a person who listens to someone's call, I still have some decency!

"Mom agreed but only until 9" I clapped my hands and held her hand tightly with me as we waited for Wei Xiu.

Finally! Friday means fun day!


"So you're telling me that we're going on a KTV? Are you serious?" Feng Mian immediately criticized Ming Chen's idea of fun.

"What? It's my day today! Wait until it's your day so you can do what you want" he said with a smirk, as if thinking he's already won.

But you're not.

Feng Mian di not back out at fights, instead, she will fight it straight on and won't back down until one of them lose.

Then a fight broke out, sword like words flew, eyes like lasers while they glared at each other and another mouthful of fighting words.

The three of us stood away from them incase something flew from our way. I looked at Aifen and asked her in a small voice.

"Did your parents agreed?"

"They did...but I can only stay until 8 and no more than that" she said with an apologetic tone.

"That's still fine, don't worry, we'll see you out! We'll protect you from any harm!" I said while thumping my chest thinking I appeared as a white knight in front of her.

"Sheesh...fine I'll...I'll count on you" she giggled after that and looked at Wei Xiu.

Argh! She still like this stinky guy! Fine, it's not that easy to forget someone you like and I think he's her first love.

Anyways, looking at Feng Mian and Ming Chen's bantering, I can almost feel the time clicking. I need to stop their fight now or else we won't even have a fun day worse we'll have another war.

"Okay stop! Let's just go with his idea since it's his day today!" Ming Chen agreed with a smile as if saying that he won.

Feng Mian on the other hand narrowed her eyes and harrumphed at him. Geez, I don't think these two will ever be able to stand each other.

"I told you, it's my day today, wait for yours Feng-er" he said with a sickly sweet time that made my scalp tingled.

I can't imagine what Feng Mian's feeling would be.

We walked towards a KTV area, it's something that Ming Chen recommended. I think he's been coming here for like everyday, still we're already old enough to go outside and play.

"Look out"

My wrist was held by no other than Wei Xiu and saw a car rushing out. What the- I must have been out of my mind to not hear a car rushing from behind me.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Wei Xiu's tone is grave and I can almost feel the anger brewing in his eyes.


I think I angered him.


"Sorry" I meekly replied as he narrowed his eyes and didn't let go of my wrist. I was about to say let go when he beat me to it with his frightening glare.

So I shut up.

Either way, the five of us walked with my wrist still held by Wei Xiu. I can feel his heat emanating from his hands, almost enveloping my body.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable at his hold, I tugged it and stared at him with my two wide eyes, signaling him to let go of me now.

And of course he didn't listened to me.


Yesterday, I had felt something similar like this too. Feeling a bit uncomfortable at his stare and his touch. I didn't feel anything like this when we were young so why?

I don't really understand, maybe it's because I'm already suffering from a phase.

Yep, it's just normal.

Hi people! Thank you for voting and reading this story! Honestly, thank you so much for the support!

News flash, our house was bombarded with water, flowing inside our house! Seriously, it's really tiring to wipe all those water and just make sure our house won't be one a water house.

Anyways, it's fine now, I hope.

Always stay safe and healthy people!


Thank you!

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