Chapter 70

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Just another day for me before hell broke loose

I decided to meet Aifen after class ends, it's only fair to know of her feelings and tell her the truth.

I know it'll hurt her but I don't want to lie. It's better to tell her the truth before somebody else does.

Since we're still in third year, some of the teachers have focused their eyes on me and Wei Xiu. We can only talk in the cafeteria, there's always eyes following us. It didn't help the fact that the principal had heard the rumors and called Wei Xiu on his office.

I think I knew where it was heading, Wei Xiu is after all one of the top students even if he wasn't on the pilot class, his grade still exceeds those of the students in the pilot section. I think the principal will tell him that studies should come first and that this is just puppy love which I think is not far from the truth.

Maybe Wei Xiu just wanted to have fun- no, I know him. His hobbies isn't really much, his cold and unattached at some things and I never saw him taking a crush on someone.

Maybe he feelings are real, ugh! Let's not overwhelm ourself first Liu Ying! We need to think more rationally, you decided to give him a chance so let's just see how this thing will end.

I just hope it won't hurt the two of us in the process.

I really hope.


"Why are you following me?"

She was getting annoyed by his near by presence, his steps loud enough for her to hear and it's getting her more angry.

She doesn't want to talk to him, ever.

"Is there a rule that states that I can't go to the same place you're going to?" He said with a constant grin in his lips, the amusement in his eyes were there.


She couldn't be bothered by his constant annoyance. She turned left and immediately, he heard his steps faltering. She smiled instantly as she went inside the girls bathroom.

She heard some girls murmured along the way, their eyes lidded with admiration and fancy towards the certain annoying guy standing in front of the girls bathroom.

She felt a twinge of irk and went inside without sparing him a glance.

Meanwhile, the man himself was seen standing in front of the girls bathroom without even a hint of shame in his face.

"Such a cold-hearted girl" he couldn't help but mutter under his breath.

He knew that he's testing her patience but everytime he remembers the slight you h of their lips, all thoughts crash down.

He couldn't think and can only smile in helplessness everytime she reject him without fail.

He just can't understand why and how he fell for her.

Maybe it's the way she keeps him interested and is always in his toes everytime she does unexpected things. It can also be the pride in his eyes whenever he gets to have her attention, even if her eyes were filled with hate.

Or it could be the way she smile as she painted, how the colors mixed with each other and create something that only she can understand.

It always amazes him how her hands create such masterpiece when the owner of those said hands were filled with nothing but threats and mock at him.

It always confused him, how his heart beats for her and how his eyes naturally fell for her figure.

He doesn't know the reason, he knew it was right and his guts were the only answer.

He saw her leaving so he didn't waste any time pondering and went for her. Her strides were fast as she tried to get him lost.

But what she doesn't know is the moment he sees her, his eyes have always followed her.

"Stop following me!" She hugged in annoyance, it was obvious just by the look in her eyes.

"Sorry Feng-er, I just can't leave you alone"

Her eyes narrowed into slits and before he knew what he was doing, he was leaning into her with just into five steps as a distance.

Her eyes went wide and her mouth was slacked in shock. He dived into action and kissed the corner of her lips before he was pushed.

"You rouge!"

Ah, this is what I'm hoping for, her whole attention focused just for me.

"Feng-er, I can be more than just a rogue for you. How about I apply as your boyfriend?"

Hi people! My entire body feels heavy, it's because of my cold. Don't worry, I don't have a fever but my nose is just stuffy and my head literally feels like something heavy has put on me.

Anyways, I'm grateful for the comments and votes. I seriously live for them! I hope you're all doing fine and safe!


Thank you!

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