Chapter 36

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And then there was a trip

A trip, we're finally going to a trip!

We were told that were just going there to learn about the culture of the place and maybe, learn some things.

But I doubt it.

I really do.

You expect a bunch of thirteen year old students to just go on a trip, to a place they've never been to, and just observe?


I bet all of us will bring our phones and take a lot of pictures and fill their phones with it. Of course, there would be a lot of confession that Wei Xiu would definitely receive after all, we're not in school.

The school prohibits dating and since then, only a couple of girls have confessed to him. I really bet that if the dating ban was lifted, Wei Xiu would be once again surrounded by the swamp of girls.

Anyway, I have to pack my baggage and necessities on my small backpack. A lot of them are mainly my snack for the trip and some candies to munch on the road.

I set my alarm at 4 in the morning since we need to board the bus at 6. I know it's too early to wake up at that time but I'm telling you, I'm the type of person who will still sleep even if the alarm on my phone blared for like ten times.

So yep, if I wanted to go on this trip without getting late, I need to wake up in an early hour.

Now, I shut my eyes and hoped to have a wonderful sleep and- no.

I couldn't.

You know those moments where you sleep at a time earlier than your usual sleeping time, it bugs the hell out of me.

Add to the fact that I'm too excited for the trip that I almost feel myself burning with adrenaline.

I couldn't sleep.

After an hour or more of just shutting my eyes and rolling on my bed, I decided to just dream- well, fake dream.

I imagine that I was riding on a rainbow colored pony, with a wand on my right hand and with just a flick of it, food comes down. My mouth was watering while I munch on my delicious snack, my mind full of food and the next thing I knew, I slept.



I woked up, like a drunkard I tapped my phone and shut it down before groaning. I feel my eyelids begun to close again but I slap my face, I need to wake up now or else I'll be really late.

So I opened my eyes, albeit with so much effort and went to the bathroom with my two legs wobbling from the lack of sleep. I washed my face and regained a bit of sanity and worked on getting a shower to wake myself up entirely.

For about an hour, I was like a zombie trying to get things done with such a slow pace. My mind a bit dazed but I managed to dress myself and not forgot about my backpack.

I saw Wei Xiu outside of our house, his hands on his pockets as he looked at me up and down.

I look like a mad woman, I know.

My hair still in a mess and my face devoid of any make-up, well I don't do make up so it's fine, and my clothes are well- I might be called a fashion terrorist but who cares?!

We're going on a trip not on a runaway show!

Anyway, I walked with my eyes closing every second and all I could do was to rub them and hope that I won't die. So I did what I always do whenever I'm still sleepy and needs to walk, I pulled Wei Xiu's sleeve and told him.

"Can you guide me while I shut my eyes and walk?"

He didn't seem to surprised since I always did it when we were kids. There are times where I felt too sleepy to walk to the station and just shut my eyes and walk with him guiding me.

His hands took hold of my dainty shoulders and proceeds to walk while I shut my eyes. Wind passed through my face as I continued to sleep walk, welp, that's a perfect representation of what I'm doing.

"We're here" he said while he took my palm and ushered me to a seat on the train before I grab his arm and slept on his shoulder while still grabbing his arm like a koala.

I didn't notice the look on the passengers faces, Wei Xiu didn't even moved and I was glad for that.

I don't really want to punch the man that currently holds my life.

Soon, I saw myself sitting on the bus and without further ado, got my neck pillow and slept like a log. I didn't even notice that someone took a seat beside me and just slept all the way to the place were supposed to go.

A remote area in City B called the place that is most known for traditional liquor, Baijiu.


He was looking at her, unabashedly, he tried to practice the act of being shameless, to the point that even if she scold him for it he will just say 'so what?'

He noticed that she have eye bags, then suddenly the bus stopped and she almost slammed to the window if it weren't for him steering her away from the window.

"Stupid Ying" he muttered, his eyes looked down as he notice the slight drool on her face.

He couldn't help but smile and put her head to rest on his shoulders. He can smell her the tangy shampoo she likes, the little bits of hair that spilled on her face and made his neck red.

He wished to hold that tiny, fragile hand on him but he can't. He shouldn't. He hasn't still conquered her, he still haven't told her his feelings.

Most of all, he still couldn't ignore the fear that someday, if she come to know of his feelings towards her, she would leave.

She would leave and never come back.

That their close bond will shatter in just a few words.

Hi people! Hello to you and I hope you like this chapter! It's a bit short but I promise I'll make it up to you!


Thank you!

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