Chapter 9

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The words of Wei Xiu is equivalent to the emperor's orders!

After class ended, Feng Mian didn't waste time and lead me out of the classroom. With her quick steps, I knew she was really mad and curious about this whole ordeal.

We ignored some of the students blatant stares of pity which is focused on me and walked to the hallway.


But, of course someone has called us off and it was my home room teacher. He's a man in his early thirties with a lanky figure and a big glasses on his eyes. He always wear neat clothes and is always teased for his stick like figure.

When I met his eyes, I found him gazing on me with a grave expression and base on his serious face, I think he learned about the rumors.

"Feng Mian, I'll just talk to Teacher Heng" she nodded at me, albeit with concern wearing in her face. I smiled to comfort her and went inside Teacher Heng's office.

"Liu Ying- I...I'm a failure of a teacher" he sighed endlessly as he watched me, his face full of weariness.

Even though some teachers in this school are bad and too biased to their favorite students, like Wei Xiu, Teacher Heng is one of those teachers that really pays attention to his own students.

"I didn't know about the rumors too...I just...heard it yesterday. Sorry for not informing you Teacher Heng" I still apologize even though I know that he can't solve the problem that fast and might make it more problematic.

"I'm sorry Liu Ying, I promise that it'll be an attentive teacher and this matter will not pass without the students getting punished!" He said with his slightly high pitched voice, the look on his eyes were stern and I never saw him look that serious before.

With that thought, I smiled at him and bid him farewell not without telling him repeatedly that I'm already fine and that the matter has already been settled. Even so, for him to even call me after class ended and apologized to me, I finally felt that I am in good hands.

My teacher may look unreliable to others but in this day, he became a reliable teacher for me.

"So? What did Teacher Heng say?" Feng Mian grabbed my hand and with a calm smile, I told her everything.

Her expressions ranged from anger to relief and then a surge of energy burst from her body.

"Teacher Heng is right! Those malicious minding students should be punished or else it'll happen again in the future!" She said with a firm tone, still heaving from the upheaval that happened this day.

"Alright our mighty hero, calm down now or else you'll suffer from high blood pressure" I snicker on her back as I watch her stomping her chest in anger.

"Fine! But still! You need to teach those evil doers a lesson!"

"I already did" a familiar voice made us turn our backs and met the eyes of a dashing young man, his hands in his pockets as he walked on us with long and calm strides.

"Wei Xiu! Thank goodness- and did you say that you already taught them a lesson? That's good! That's really good!" Feng Mian fawned on Wei Xiu as she praised him until it reach up to the sky.

It's hard for Feng Mian to praise me but I guess, she's just really too caught up in her madness that she praised Wei Xiu.

Well, it's best to praise him too, after all, he did solve my problem in just a day.

It's befitting for a humble servant of the emperor to use her mouth to praise him with words that are too mountain high.

"My liege, you are magnificent! A man with a sharp mind and in just a swift, the evil doers have finally conceded to your majestic presence!" Now with all those difficult words coming out of my mouth, I feel like I need some water now.

"Hmm...this servant is quick witted with her words. Reward!" Feng Mian on the other side decided to play as the general as she toasted me with imaginary wine.

I looked at Wei Xiu and saw him glance at me with an indescribable gaze. His black peach blossom eyes were dark, as if infused with ink. It was bottomless and the more you looked at it, the more you felt like you have been sucked inside, never to escape again.

"Hey! What are you two gazing at?!" Thankfully, Feng Mian interrupted our unnatural gazing contest. Thanks a lot Feng Mian!

"Nothing, so should I tell you what I did?" At his words, our ears perked up and we looked at him with wide eyes.

He smiled, and he smiled in a weird way. His smile was too cold and I can sense that what he did is bad.

Really bad.

"Go on" I urged him, pressing him for answers.

"I hacked their accounts and screen shutted it to the students forum before blackmailing them"


"You did what?!"

Me and Feng Mian was too shocked at his words and even more flabbergasted at his actions.

This- is he still my frenemy Zhang Wei Xiu?! Who is he?! Is he being possessed and got no leeway so he can only do what the spirit told him to do?

What happened to him?!

"You blackmailed them? You- wow, I'm lost for words" Feng Mian added at my silence while I nod, like a chicken pecking on its food.

Never would I have ever associated him with doing those illegal things like hacking and blackmailing.

He's the golden child!

Although he's a black bellied guy, I would never think of him going against the law. I still think of him as bad but not this bad!

"Wei Xiu, tell me honestly"

"En" he replied as he looked at me, his eyes were only focused on me.

"Are you sick? Or are you possessed? Are you really- oww! What was that for?!" I snapped at him as I rubbed my injured head.

He flicked me!

I was just worried for him and this is the first time I grew worried for him and he flicked me?! This ungrateful man!


"Don't worry, I'm a genius after all"

Ha! After all, a zebra can't change it's spot as well as Wei Xiu.

Still that black bellied guy that I knew for years, seriously, he'll never change.

The three of us left and waved at Feng Mian before boarding into the train. Unfortunately, we were met with a lot of passengers since its the time where employees and other students left their work or school.

"Hold onto my sleeve" Wei Xiu murmured, his breath went into my hair as I gripped his sleeve before I get dragged by the amount of passengers in the train.

Our bodies are sticking together and for a moment, I felt a little bit uncomfortable at our situation. This is the second time I think that we've been this close to each other.

I was still mulling on my thoughts as I felt his hand touching the back of my neck before whispering.

"You look constipated"

Hi people! How are you today?! It's a lovely weather- not! It's not! It's like lava in the Philippines!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter!


Thank you!

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