Chapter 8

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To Wei Xiu and his heroic act!

I'm a person who usually go with the flow, a follower of some sort whereas Wei Xiu is the one leading and I'm just following whatever he plans.

And sometimes, it's really great to have him when I'm stuck with no solution, he can absolutely solve it and it makes things a lot easier for me.

But not now.

All I want to do is to go in my room and sleep, but I can't, now that he's with me with his stern face.

Seriously! He acts like my father and he's too overbearing sometimes! He's too much!

I can't let him plan again without consulting me! This is my chance to prove to my mother that I am not a child anymore!

"I won't say it"

Yes, let's start with defying his orders!

Then the temperature in the room suddenly decreased and I can't help but feel chills on my back. What is this guy?! An ice block?!

My parents already left the house, they said that they're on a date today and left just like that.

Are my parents that biased to Wei Xiu and wouldn't even think that man and a woman can't be in a room, alone with no adult supervision?

Oh wait- he's not a man, I mean he's a man biologically but not in my head!

"Fine, I won't let you copy my homework"

At his words, I felt like my whole world collapsed, the sound of imaginary thunder reverberates in the room and a sound of wailing came from my lips.

All I could think of is the teacher's disappointing look in me and my classmates mocking faces.


Absolutely not!

No way!

"My liege, oh be merciful of this humble servant of yours. I will tell you now just please, your majesty and the most benevolent man in the world, take your words from earlier and I will do anything!"

I can't help but to pinch my thighs to produce some tears. Then I gaze at him, telling myself that this is for the best, and has finally summoned my ultimate weapon.

My puppy dog eyes!

I bet he would feel absolute disgust to the point of throwing up but I will continue my act. I know that he hates seeing me acting so pitiful, his face will turn red and he will always look in the other way.

I guess he really hates it.

"Please, pretty please?"

See! He's getting red again! I bet his blood pressure is rising from anger! I knew it, I shouldn't have used this weapon of mine but I don't know what else to do besides acting pitiful and being obedient to him.

"Ugh....fine" he said, his voice a little rough as he finally looked at me.

I flashed the sweetest smile I could get and from that, his face turned beet red again.

Seriously! Is he that furious to see me smiling? What a weird guy!

"Now....cough...tell me the reason you ignored me"

Aww! I thought he would forget about it- oh, he has like a good memory. A really good one to the point that I couldn't even remember my old classmate's name but he still do.

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