Chapter 75

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A future that's unavoidable

I could feel the anxiety thrumming in everyone's nerves, their back hunched low followed with pens scraping down the rough paper lasted for a day.

And probably for the last two months.

My gut is clenching so tight I could feel my back dripping with cold sweat. Biting down the end of my pen, I didn't realize that it was taken from my mouth by none other than Wei Xiu, my boyfriend.

Ugh! So weird to call him that!

Although I've been with him for the past six months, it's still weird to see him getting affectionate with me. Even the fact that he's my boyfriend make my whole body covered in goosebumps!

"Don't bite your pen"

I only grumbled in my breath and continued to answer the difficult problem in front of me.

It's self study today, Wei Xiu was told to watch us after all he's someone that every tea her can't help but trust. Besides, he only do this for like once a week, some of the teachers wouldn't really let him do this every week since he's the golden child better called the perfect student.

Even so, I think he's going to chose a very prominent and well known University. Maybe a medicinal course or a lawyer, who knows?

I, myself haven't even thought of what I should study besides, I think I still have a year left before I know what I want.

Seeing the back of Wei Xiu, I wonder what the future holds for us. Will we stay together or break apart?

Who knows?

Lunch soon arrive and I soon saw myself sitting down with a bread on my hand and a soup on the other. I was devouring my food like a cave woman, I honestly don't care since my head was filled with air earlier. I need some energy since there's still a battle after.

"Ai..." I couldn't help but mutter.

"What happened?"

Wei Xiu asked, his deep set of dark eyes were on me. It still makes me feel uncomfortable and antsy at his stare what more from his show of affection the past week.

At the thought of him stealing kisses from me, my cheeks redden and I can't help but harrumphed and ignore him.

"Darling, how are you? School was too tiring right?" Holding hands with my darling is truly the best!

"It's manageable, what about you?" She smiled at me, it still held a glint of sadness but it wasn't wholly present in her face anymore.

"Passable" I grinned weakly, my eyes fell on Feng Mian's vacant look.

Although she shows such vibrant smile, underneath her mask lays her sorrow. I knew what happened yet all I could do was to be with her and cheer her with ridiculous antics.

My sight flew on Ming Chen, he too have this look of lost and has been faking his smiles. Nothing was amiss at his actions yet I knew there was something wrong with his smiles.

It wasn't genuine.

He doesn't fight with Feng Mian anymore, glances were made but the person he's looking wasn't interested. Her mind was already flying to who knows where.

"Stop thinking too much"

My forehead was flicked by Wei Xiu which made any attention turn to him. I glared at his nonchalant face and kicked him under the table.

He turned towards me with a frown on his face before flicking my forehead again. I didn't expect that he'll do it again so I was left with two red marks on my forehead before pinching his hand.

"Ai! You two! Please, no more dog food" Ming Chen muttered for only for us to hear, his eyes were filled with mocking.

"Jealous?" Wei Xiu's words were filled with provocation.

I thought that these two would go and fight with each other but now, I blanked out while looking at Ming Chen's laughing face.

"Bastard" he cursed with a smile on his face though his eyes were filled with nothing but pain.

Poor him.

"Feng Mian"

She stopped writing when her brother, the one whom she didn't like very much because of his playboy tendencies, called her.

She was unsure towards his, it's been a long time since she was called by her brother since he was in the university and lived in the dorms.


"Mom...I'll talk to mom...if you like"

His words made her feel a bit better, but then the look on her mother's face the other week remained implanted in her mind.

Her brother wasn't the best brother in the world, yet she knows that he still cares. It's just hard to talk again when they haven't seen each other for like a year and so. Even so, she's thankful for her brother's care.

It's just impossible for her mother to change her mind after all her brother was persuaded by her parents to chose a course of their liking.

"It's fine"


"It's fine gege, really"

There are some things that can't be achieved, things that aren't for you and things to give up.

That's her dream and her growing fondness over a skirt chaser guy named Ming Chen.

Well, that's the chapter. Sorry if it seems like a filler chapter, well it indeed is.

Anyways, thank you so much for the votes. We already reached 3k reads! Yippe!

Stay safe as always okay?!


Thank you!

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