Chapter 59

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He became an unknown
species to her.

It's been two days since she was asked to become someone's girlfriend and it was asked by someone she knew in the last seventeen years of her life.

Wei Xiu.

It still hasn't processed on her mind, quite unlikely it was there but it never reached an understanding to her.

It was just... something she thought of as a dream.

But it was not.

Those two days that she spent mulling over his words, he was there. Always. He was like a guard dog, guarding her 24/7 without failure.

If she's in her room he would go there and sit beside her, if she's in the kitchen she would hover around her and his eyes were always on her.

It never left her figure.

"Can you stop" I couldn't help but get angry at his overbearing self.

He's too much! Even if I'm just staring blankly on my seat he would always be there, touching my hair or just blatantly staring at me for no reason.

It unnerves her!


This stinky dog man!

"I'm angry"

At my words, he stopped playing with the strands of my hair and looked at me with his deep set of profound eyes.

Everytime I look at his eyes, all I can see is my reflection and it didn't settle well with me. His eyes were just too focused on me, always finding my figure and us always there.

"Liu Ying"

His voice was filled with seriousness and it was still uncomfortable for me to hear. He wasn't always like this, I mean he was the same two faced stinky dog but now, he acts like a man.

It's too, ugh! I can't just think of him as a man!

"Um?" I gulped in nervousness when I saw his eyes flickered into my lips again.

He thinks that I didn't know that he's gaze would always go to my lips. His adam apple rolled and I couldn't think.

I was blank.

After he kissed me two days ago, it dawn on me that I treated him as a human and not as a man.

I can't beat him and treat him the way I used to now that I know of his feelings for me.

It's too...weird.

He's weird.

"Have you already decided?"

Oh no!

Here we go again!

For two days straight, I didn't hear him asking me this question. He just stares at me and seemed to appear on my eyes for the past two days. Now, I don't think I'll be able to pass this hot potato in front of me.

"I haven't yet-"

"Then I'll decide" he cut me off and said which made me blink in surprise and then it morphed into anger.

"Why do you have to decide?!" I retorted angrily while he just casually said.

"Because you can't so I'll answer. It's a yes, you'll be my girlfriend starting today"

He didn't even let me finish and pecked me in my lips before leaving as if his pants were on fire. I sat there with a vacant look on my eyes and then I was suddenly seeing fire.

That stinky dog man! He just ate my tofu without permission!



School was...well...had become harder than I thought.

Of course it was partially because of Wei Xiu's abrupt confession and my guilt towards my darling.

But I still feel relieved because she wouldn't be fooled by this two faced stinky dog man! She will probably be heartbroken and will be angry at me for a very long time thinking that I snatched her crush.

Ah! I really hate this now!

Wait- why am I the one getting so worried about this! I didn't agree to be his girlfriend! He's the one who decided!

"Wei Xiu! I'm telling you- don't you ever dare eat my tofu again! Don't talk to me, look at me and stay far, far away from me!" I screamed at him as we turned into a desolate corner as we walk to the station.

He stopped for a second and walked towards me which made me flee.

"Zhang Wei Xiu stop following me!" I said in between pants as I almost run to the nearest pole.

"You stupid- is your eyes only for decoration?! Why don't you look at your surroundings! You almost crashed into that pole!" He scolded me while I hung my head low.

His hands were still placed on my waist and I can only stand still in fear of his perverted hands becoming more unruly. I heard a sigh above me and I lifted my head only to see his chest and sharp jawline.


Both he and I said which made me laugh despite the serious atmosphere earlier. I stopped laughing when he swipe his thumb under my eyes and wipe the tears that fell of my eyes when I suddenly laughed.

The atmosphere turned into something more...heated and ambiguous. My face resembled those of a boiled shrimp and I leaned back only to be held by him tightly, securing my body into one place.

"Liu Ying, ah, how can you make me feel so helpless" he whispered over my ear which instantly sent shivers down my spine.

All I knew is that I left him there with my face blushing and my heart thumping like crazy.

Hi people! How are you today?! Mine's fine, I guess, it's in repeat. Always doing the same thing but I don't mind it, it's boring to others but not for me!

Anyway, thank you so, so much for the votes and comments! Those comments are greatly appreciated!


Thank you!

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