Chapter 55

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A break from tests!

So I didn't get to further talk to Aifen about her 'fondness' for Wei Xiu since my mother just called me and told me to go home.


So I apologized at my darling and she nodded her head in understanding. I left her room after putting everything I own on my bag and went downstairs.

I waved them goodbye before walking down the street and seeing the familiar figure of Wei Xiu standing on the corner of the train station.


So I stomped my way towards him and glared at him in menace. He looked at me and with a worried tone, he ask me if I was okay which made things worse in my opinion.

"No, I am not okay. After my darling just said that- no, it's confidential, I can't" I shut my mouth after that, I can't slip up and can't definitely tell Wei Xiu that my darling likes him.

I just freaking can't!

Wei Xiu still gazed at me with that soft look on his eyes, it was unnerving. I took a seat, far away from him but he just can't let me have my space and took a set after persuading a woman about me sulking because he was ignoring me for the whole day.

And of course, you knew what was about to happen. The woman agreed to let him seat next to me and I remember gritting my teeth in anger.

"So, want to tell me why you're angry at me again?"

This dog man! He really is like a dog! Always wagging his tail at his owner!

After that day, I always bristled at his figure. My eyes are always glaring at him and I have tried to keep my darling out of his sight which proved to be unnecessary since he didn't even talk to her.

I mean in the past years he still talks to her, albeit with few words, it still matters to my darling, since, she still likes him. Ugh! I just can't imagine my Aifen holding hands with this two faced stinky dog! I just can't let that happen.

Over my dead body!

School and shielding my darling had wear me off by the end of the week and I find myself groaning on my seat after classes ends.

"I want to go out and play" I murmured on my desk and apparently, Feng Mian heard it.

"We can't, we still have another test this week"

Great. She just crashed my dreams.

It's been a long time since I- well we had gone outside to play. All we do now is take tests upon tests, it's a never ending tests!

I-no-we need a break, just for today, we'll act like teenagers and not like adults who work 24/7 without stopping.

"But it's on Wednesday! We still have five days to study!" I protested against her words with a pout. "Can we just go out and play on the arcade? Just once, please Feng Mian" I have high hopes on my puppy dog eyes right now.

"But we still need-"


"Fine!" She huffed in defeat and I fist pump in the air. I turned my head towards Wei Xiu and waited until some of our classmates have left his side.

"We're going out today"

He seemed surprised and looked at Feng Mian who just weakly smiled at him. Geez! It's just for today, it's not like we're going to do this every week!

He was about to open his lips when I beat him into it.

"He agreed!" I called out to Feng Mian and held her hand before looking behind me and nudging my head to the side, indicating for him to come along too.

So that's why we ended up playing for today which by the way, is the most happiest day I've felt since I've become a third year student.

And probably them too.


"Ming Chen!"

A high pitched voice came from behind him and he looked behind to see that it was one of his classmates. It was a girl with a lovable face and infatuation clear on her eyes.

It was crystal clear that he's gonna get another confession again.

And honestly, it bored him now that he finally realized his feelings for the fierce and man-hating woman named Feng Mian.

"!" She passed him an envelope and he knew that it's a love letter filled with sappy lines that he doesn't really want to read.

"Sorry, I can't have a girlfriend, study first" he gave it back to the girl and said with his monotonous voice, and of course the girl fled with tears in her eyes.

He sighed and leaned his back on the tree before opening his eyes up. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see a familiar faces gure huddled up into the mass of rocks on the garden.

"Fancy seeing you here Feng-er"

Her eyes were shell shocked before she composed herself and gave him a deathly glare.

That's it, this is what he really wanted.

Her full attention on him.

"Made a girl cry again didn't you?" She said with an accusing tone "Typical" then rolled her eyes after saying that word.

He laughed at her words, well, he couldn't even be bothered to be hurt at her words because it's partially true.

"Feng-er, I told you a million times. You're the only one for me" then I added a wink and puckered up my lips.

"Yeah and I told you a billion times that I hate your gut" she curled her lips in a sneer.


Well then, I need to step up my game before she loses her interest in me, better yet before any man looks at her direction and saw her amazing self.


Hi people! How's your day so far? My mother and I just finished our work, it's so taxing. My hands are so tired and I feel sleepy again.

Darn it.

Anyways, thank you so so much for the comments and the votes! Always stay healthy and safe okay?!


Thank you!

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