Chapter 11

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Saving the damsel in distress!

I'll save this gentle mei-mei from the hands of this black bellied man named Wei Xiu!

Looking at her fragile figure, like a thin branch about to be swayed by the wind. Her eyes carried a pure innocence, the emotions of a maiden in love was prominent in her eyes and at that, I felt pity.

She, like a fairy descending upon the mortal world, has fallen on Wei Xiu's bewitching looks!

At that thought, a surge of protectiveness rush through my brain and I took her hands before saying.

"I'll protect you!"

She looked surprised, even baffled at the situation as I continue to look at her with intense protectiveness.

"Okay that's enough, let her go now" Feng Mian said as she split me and Aifen apart.

"Feng Mian!" I couldn't help but whine at her actions.

"Can't you see how scared she is?" She said with her eyebrows raised, I immediately apologize to Aifen.

"Sorry for startling you! I didn't mean it! I was just scared that you'll fell for that bas- I mean that Wei Xiu guy who is clearly a no good person! He's the wors-"

"He's not!" I was stunned at her words but I was more surprised that this seemingly frail woman can shout so loud like that.

Feng Mian on the other hand just looked at us blankly before gripping my shoulders and proceeds to massage me.

Ah- she knew that I'm already boiling in anger.

"So- sorry for s-shouting" she was back to her timid self, the righteousness in her eyes still remained and I became more amazed at her will.

"Don't worry! I'm not shock but remember that I'll save you from that stinky guy-"

"Whose the stinky guy?" A familiar voice rang from the back and I instantly fled from Feng Mian's clutches and straight away kick Wei Xiu.

But if course like an eagle, he saw right through my act and stopped me with his hands.

"You're the stinky one! How dare you bewitch an innocent person! You rouge! Mongrel!" I shouted at his impassive face and he has the guts to sigh in front of me.

This stinky guy!

I was about to close his eyes out when a sudden chortle of laughter came from behind him. It sounded like a man's voice an I was immediately curious.

"This young lady is sure fierce, isn't she Xiu?"

It was a man with single lidded charming eyes, enough to charm a lot of ladies, plus he have a golden pair of rimless glasses. His height isn't that far from Wei Xiu, his lips were thin and red. The over all expression in his eyes makes me irritated.

He looks like a playboy.

"My name's Hao Ming Chen, what's yours pretty lady?" His hands held out as if he wanted me to touch it.

Yep, he's definitely a playboy.

"My name is Xia Liu Ying and I don't like you" I straightforwardly said, my eyes riddled with vigilance and I took a step back and left him hanging there with his hand stretched out.

"Hey Wei Xiu! Who is this guy?!" I pointed out at that Hao Ming Chen guy and blacklisted him in my mind.

"A friend I brought" he said blandly.

"What?!" I was enraged at his careless remarks.

How could he be one of our friend?! I wanted to have another companion for Feng Mian, a girl, but he brought a man.

And a playboy at that!

"Feng Mian, Aifen, don't worry, I'll save the two of you from these wolves!" I barricaded Feng Mian and Aifen from these seemingly two hungry wolves.

Feng Mian laughed at me while Aifen grew horrified, that's right Aifen, it's normal to feel scared from this two bad guys. Feng Mian isn't a normal person so it's alright for her to face those two.

"Wei Xiu, care to elaborate for us?" Feng Mian said and stepped out of my barrier. I almost stretch my hand for her but remained still in fear of them taking Aifen from me.

"Oh, who is this charming lady over here?" The playboy guy said with his sick sweetened voice.

"Oh, my name's Feng Mian and that's true, I'm a charming lady" she said without a hint of shame and smiled, her pearly whites showing from her red ruby lips.

"I like you" he said with an alluring tone laced on his voice, his eyes held Feng Mian only and I can see the deep seduction flowing in his every actions.

"Too bad I don't like playboys" Feng Mian counterattack, my eyes shine from her courageousness.

That's right my dear Feng Mian! You are not a damsel in distress! You are a hero just like me!

"Ying, he's a friend of mine and he's a good guy despite his flamboyant attitude" Wei Xiu said, his gaze held mine for a while before looking behind me.

"You're not allowed to look at her!" As if I was a mother hen protecting her baby hen, I dare Wei Xiu to look with my eyes wide.

"Z-zhang Wei Xiu" a honeyed tone came from behind me and I almost lowered my vigilance but I held it in.

I still need to protect her from this stinky guy!

"Aifen, he's really not as good as you think he is! Trust me! I've been with him since I was young!" I said as I implored a look at Aifen.

She paled for a second before buying her lips, she looked at me with her tear eyes face and said.

"But he's a good guy"

Aw, my dear Aifen, not every man in this world is good.

Especially him.

Hi people! How are you today? Yesterday,. precisely may 7, we had a brown out and let me tell you.

It is currently hot here in the Philippines and the brown out lasted for like 8 hours!

Eight. Freaking. Hours!

It's too hot so yep, this is all I can write be ause I'm just too sleepy, hope you like this chapter!

Now as of may 16, it's a polar opposite of hot. It's now cold so yehey!!

Stay safe as always!


Thank you!

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