Chapter 74

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It's just a matter of time before we leave

His lips are freaking on me!

His whole body exudes warmth, his lips were gentle against mine even though his hold was strong enough to the point that I couldn't move an inch.

There is no distance! Our nose bumped to each other, skin in contact with skin and breaths mixing with the air we breath.

My eyes was tightly shut, fingers digging through his forearm as he skillfully managed to take both of my wrist in one hand.

His other hand is on my hair, head tipped as he kissed me deeply until I couldn't breathe. All I could do was to breathe through my nose, his own scent clouding my whole senses as he ravished my lips.

"Wei Xiu- mph!"

He didn't even let a sound of disapproval pass my lips and continued his actions while I wriggle, still trying to get away from this guy.


His hoarse voice resonates across the room, he was still a sick man lying on his bed but today, he's like a rogue!

So despicable!

How can he act like this when he's clearly sick! He's taking advantage of me! This sly dog man!

His lips was warm and soft, amidst the force, his grip was gentle. Butterflies roamed my stomach making me feel like there's a zoo inside of me. My face reddens further and I couldn't help but to give in at his persistent pursuit.

I could feel myself getting light-headed and was about to pass out when he stop. His forehead knocked against mine whole he peppered me with chaste kisses. My mind still numb at his actions, I can only lean on his body feeling like a puddle of water.

"I'll take care of you once you get sick too"

His words were like thunder bolt in my head and I leaned towards his head and bit his neck the shout.

"You despicable rogue!"


She was at wits end, her parents tried to make her choose a course that's clearly not to her liking.

She's already in her third year and in just a matter of time, she's about to enter her last year of high school. She haven't applied to her chosen college, she was still battling with her family over it.

She knew her parents didn't believe that she'll survive on her chosen career path. They say that her living expenses is much greater than the salary she'll receive on her job.

Her parents doesn't even think that she'll get a job from her talent in painting. They think that it's just a hobby, a job like that is for those who have money and is wealthy enough to live without worrying about rent and food.

As a third year student whose about to go to her last year in high school, her parents have been awfully worried and is always rejecting her thoughts.

It's like there's a barrier in her parents minds that let them reject the thought of her having a job with a talent for arts.

"Mom, please just listen-"

"No more Feng Mian! You will do what we says and what we've decided for you, end of conversation!"

I was appalled at my mother's words, I haven't even explained to them yet and they already have their own decision for my future!

The sound of the door closing reverberates into the silent room and soon, I was shedding tears.

I didn't came up on the top ten, I was in the thirteenth place which didn't pleased my parents and made it as one of the reasons to refuse my explanations.

Nothing matters anymore, my life was already decided by my parents but what can I do? Rebel to them? Fight for my dream which I even fear will  lead to failure? What could I do?


My vacant eyes wandered to my phone, there I saw my friends faces with smiles plastered on each of us. It's my wallpaper, reminding me that there's still people who believes in me.

I caught sight of Ming Chen's smile, it was filled with mirth and his eyes curved with such playfulness.

He was smiling in this picture.

Not anymore though, after I told him to never speak of the things that transpired between us, he was never the same.

He indeed had place a distance from me, he wasn't playful as he was in the past towards me. He's different now.

I don't know if I should feel relieve or saddened by the thought of his actions but now, I admit I did feel some regret.

Regret over the fact that the once playful banter of us is now gone. Regret that he wasn't as playful and jovial as he was in the past.

Regret that he doesn't care for me anymore.

Ah, life is just...too harsh.

Hi people! How are you today? I'm feeling a bit sleepy so I hope you forgive some grammatical errors on this chapter.

I hope you like this chapter though! Thank you for all the comments and votes that you gave! I appreciate them so much!

Stay safe and healthy as always!


Thank you!

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