Chapter 69

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A decision that will change both of our lives

His words replayed over and over again like a broken stereo in my head.

I couldn't even think properly when my mother's voice ushered me to let Wei Xiu in. I shouted back at her and let him in, my action stuff as I close the door with a bang.

Not long after that, my mother emerged with a spatula on her hand as she inquired about Wei Xiu and his family.

I stood there with my head down, trying to get the blush dusting my cheeks to get off. It didn't work of course, so I decided to walk away from the 'parent and child conversation' between my biological mother and my non biological so called best friend who have feelings for me or so he says.

I walked upstairs and opened my door, Feng Mian looked up from above and said.

"So, how did it go?"


"It went...he uhm...he asked me t-to...give him a c-chance"

My words are in a mess and I couldn't properly say the words but I think she understood when she flung over to my position and shook my entire body.

"What the hell! Did he really ask that? What's your answer?!"

I was getting dizzy from her shaking and thankfully, she did stop when she saw my unfocused face.

"It uhm...I didn' happened" I said in broken sentences as I blinked from the dizziness.

"Aw! Bummer, but I really think you should try. You never know what the future holds" she said with a smirk as she guided me to the bed and made me sit.

"No...I just...I can't even imagine the two of us like... that"

My cheeks were covered in blush as I repeatedly shook my head. My entire body thrummed in life as if million bolts shocked me. I was flustered but at the same time, all I could do is to reject the idea of us being together.

We've been together for like our whole life, I couldn't imagine him being with me in a romantica label. It's...weird and I'm unused to it.

It's just....ugh! I don't know it's just weird for me!

"Liu Ying, in life, you need to take some risk before you find the answer. How can you say that the two of you are not gonna work out as couples when you haven't even tried? Just try it Liu Ying, try it and if it's still not right, you can end it"

Her words made sense but there's so much in this situation that I need to think more to decide. What if we broke up? What would happen when our parents heard of it? What would happen to Aifen? What if I loose him because of this so called feelings of his?

"If you're worrying about Aifen, she already told you that she'll fight. She won't back out, Wei Xiu needs to tell her that he doesn't have feelings for her to avoid hurting more"

I shook my head, my body getting weary from all that is happening. From the moment he confessed to this day, it's too messed up.

"I...I don't know Feng Mian....I'm scared"

She sighed and held my hand, her eyes are serious as she opened her mouth and said.

"Life will always be filled with fear of the unknown, that's what makes life interesting. We can't avoid unforeseen events, we just have to embrace it and let it flow"

I wanted to retort 'what about your situation?' but I can't, she's focusing on my problem than hers. It seems like it's her answer or what she wanted to do but can't, she just have too much on her plate.

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