Chapter 37

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A sip of beer and a whole new world!

It didn't take long for the bus to arrive to City B, although it was a bumpy ride, I'm not really complaining since I've got three hours of sleep.

We still haven't left the bus since we still need to drive around the wide expanse of land filled with crops on the area. Light blue clouds filled the sky as the sun shine through the windows of the bus.

My neck was really sore at the end of the trip and for that, I cursed Wei Xiu's shoulder! He should have some meat at least, goodness, his bones could practically pierce my head. Even though I have my neck pillow it couldn't fought off Wei Xiu's bones.

Either way, I could only stretch my neck while I glared at him.

"You have some drool on your face" he pointed out and I almost slap his annoy face.

Thank you so much for stating that out loud, genius!

Anyway, since our teachers are pretty lady since we're just going for a observational trip, seating arrangements aren't too strict. Wei Xiu is in class one but he can sit anywhere he can since our teacher's didn't implement a seating arrangement, weird but we live for it.

Soon, I can see the vast rice fields, some are millets and wheat. I can also see the warehouse built from atop of a hill and several workers dressed in light blue uniforms with masks on their face.

Some of the students couldn't help but marvel at the sight and some had even started taking pictures which started a frenzy of clicking sounds coming from their phones.

Now, we arrive at the entrance, a humongous plank of wood stood before us with some characters saying 'The home of Baijiu' along with the several objects shaped in alcohol bottles on the sides.

"Feng Mian! Did you see that? We are here, in the place where my father's favourite beverage was made!"

"I can see it" she dryly replied and I looked behind her to see Ming Chen.

With girls flocking on him while he gave his signature smile.

"Are you jealous?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No! What- what are you saying?! How could I- no! Just no!"

Her face was red and I can almost see the steam getting out of her nose.

"Okay" I said, drawing the words a bit longer.

"I'm not- I really, really am not Xia Liu Ying!" She gritted at the last word, my face seems to be still looking at her in disbelief but decided to compromise instead of getting killed at this trip.

So yep, I just nodded with a bright smile on my face and left her to go to my dear Aifen to avoid a calamity I called Feng Mian.

Soon, I hugged Aifen's left arm and smiled towards her. She seemed a bit shocked but smiled nonetheless.

"Liu Ying, it's been a long time since I've seen you" she said while she smiled at me with her eyes glowing like jewels.

" was trying to study since my last test was- yep, a total failure" I grinned at her weakly while she tapped my shoulders as if comforting me.

Yep, what I envisioned my future.

After avoiding Wei Xiu or should I say stayed away from him, I didn't have someone to tutor me and voila, got a very, extremely, totally low scores.

But now we're totally cool, at least for now.

"Do you want to tour with me?" She ask and I nodded with much enthusiasm. My arms swing as we walked by and observe how the baijiu came to be.

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