Chapter 17

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Auntie Tang and my mother's biasness!

It's official.

I'm getting tutored again by the asura like teacher, Wei Xiu, and now, all I can do is to pray for my well being.

My mother found out about it and she was so glad she almost bow to Wei Xiu. God knows how much work she put through me every time she teaches me how to read and write.

Because of that, my mother absolutely hates to teach me, well, who wouldn't? I would always complain and obviously, my mother is not a good teacher.

Sorry for that Mom.

Anyways, here I am, cleaning my room after I ate my diner. My mother told me to clean my room since Wei Xiu will come here and it's embarrassing for him to see an untidy room.

All I can do is to inwardly roll my eyes at my mother's fussiness. If I didn't knew better, I would have think that it was my real teacher who will visit here and not Wei Xiu.


"Mom! It's already clean!" I said for the upteent time, my nose wrinkling at the dust from my books.

My academic books.

"Xia Liu Ying! Are you even cleaning?! Look at that dust, I bet you pushed all your garbage underneath your bed and see that curtain?! It's been there for two months, change it!" She said with her commanding voice and I as a soldier, can only oblige at her rules.

Well, her house her rules.

"Hmph! It's just Wei Xiu why do I have to clean my room for him?" I couldn't help but mumble in my own and of course, you know those moments where you mumble in a really low voice but your mother can still hear it?

Yep, you guessed right.

"Xia. Liu. Ying! This ungrateful girl! If I was Wei Xiu I wouldn't even tutor you much less help you with your assignments!" She roared like the lioness she is making my whole room rumbled from her roar.

Seriously, am I really your daughter?

Anyways, I was about to call Wei Xiu on my phone when my mother, with her eyes and ears focused on my every action, found out that I was just calling Wei Xiu and not personally go to him, made a ruckus.

"Go and ask Wei Xiu on your own! Do not call him as if he was your servant?! Remember, you're the one asking for a tutor not the other way around!" I nodded like a hen picking out it's food.

Thankfully, I was released by my mother and left prison. On my way to Wei Xiu's house, I almost marvel at it's size.

Seriously! We're all humans here! Why do we need to have a rich and poor person in this world where we can all be millionaires?

But that's just my thoughts, I rang the doorbell and waited for about half a minute when the massive two wooden doors opened.

"Good evening Auntie Tang! Is Wei Xiu here?" I greeted Wei Xiu's mother, Tang Mei Rou, a super gorgeous lawyer, a total definition of the word beauty and brains.

"Oh, Ying-ying, good evening to you too! Come on in! You shouldn't have come, that lass Wei Xiu, doesn't he have legs? You're a girl and it's not good for a beautiful girl like you to go out in the night!" She said as she held me by the hand and closed the door.

Unlike my lioness mother, Wei Xiu's mother is one of my favorite people. She's like my true mother who dotes on me and always ridicule Wei Xiu which made me love her even more.

She's my ally!

"Auntie Tang! It's fine, I'm the one doing the favour so it's only right" of course as a child I already learned how to act.

That two faced Wei Xiu is a natural born actor who can make his wishes come true with just a smile. I learned to be cautious because of Wei Xiu and I know I can't win him with his dirty schemes so I can o my resort into acting.

"My poor Ying, don't worry, I'll teach that smelly lass a lesson!" Auntie Tang said, her red ruby lips arching a bit. Her eyes were the same as Wei Xiu's, peach blossom eyes with a hint of seductiveness.

We heard steps coming from downstairs and there I see a casual looking Wei Xiu, his hands on his pocket as he walk towards me.

"You smelly brat! Why did you let Ying-ying come here in this night? Are you even a man! Even need a woman to fetch you?!" Auntie Tang fired off as soon as she saw Wei Xiu, I'm hiding in her back with a wide grin on my face.

Ha! Beat that Wei Xiu!

"Ma, I need to tutor Ying now" he said with his most gentle smile, and I know that smile!

That is the smile where he goes all gentle and after we turn our backs, his face would turn cold and reprimand me with his poisonous tounge!

Ah! Black belly Wei Xiu!

"You better treat my darling Ying-ying right you hear me? Tell Jingfei that we should go for a trip to the mall okay?" I nodded, Rou Jingfei is my mother's name, ha, another trip to the mall again.

I bet father would cry with grievance again.

That's what he get for doting at my mother too much!

"Let's go now" Wei Xiu said, his eyes are focused on me and I can feel chills running down my back.

And right there, I knew, this tutoring session would be the most tough fight I would experience.

I can only smile sheepishly at him, trying to act like an innocent lamb at the now silent predator in front of me.

But alas, all he could do was to smile and hide his fangs before attacking me.

Save me Auntie Tang!

Hi people! I hope you have a good day! Rainy season is happening here in the Philippines!

Anyways, hope you like this chapter!


Thank you!

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