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That's right Zhang Wei Xiu, I, Xia Liu Ying admit that
I adore you!

This month has hit this city pretty badly, sweat covered shirt and the feeling of grossness towards your body had become the new normal here.

It's really humid out there and that's why I'm in my home, our AC is on and in the low temperature. My eyes focused on the book I'm reading as I lounge inside my home.

Mao Mao got up and wanted some attention too so I caught him and caressed it's stomach as it mewled in satisfaction.

Before long, the serenity in my room was broken due to the sound of someone whose about to break my door.


I took my slippers and slip it in, my face in a frown as I opened my door. Turns out it was my best friend, Feng Mian, she was red in the cheeks and her eyes are swollen. She looks devasted, the look of dejection in her eyes made me shudder in fear.

"What happened?"

"I-ugh...Liu Ying...I wasn't....I didn't do well...my parents....Liu Ying" her voice trembling as she further recounts the events that happened.

She didn't do well on the test, her scores weren't high enough for her to attend the University that her parents decided for her.

I felt sad at her revelation but at the same time, a bit happy since she have a chance to take her dream.

"Feng Mian, no matter what your score is, just know that I'm proud of you"

She looks at me with, her eyes filled with tears. She was still hiccuping from her cries as I hug her tightly.

"Ying...I don't know w-what to do...my parents...Liu Ying....they think it's i-intentional. It's not! Liu Ying it's not!" She repeated over and over, I can sense the desperate tone on her voice as she cries on my embrace.

I patted her back and continued to comfort her with words. I too have seen my scores, it wasn't the best but it wasn't the worse. I could get into a college that I wanted to go to although it's not a very much well known University.

I was lucky that my parents doesn't mind me choosing whatever course, mom always quotes 'As long as you can graduate and get a decent job, I'm fine with anything'. Prior to my mother's words, I really did passed and can now attend a university of my liking.

"Liu Ying....what should I do?" She said in tears, my heart aches for her yet I knew there's nothing I can do except to stand by her side and support her with whatever she's decided.

It's the first time I've seen Feng Mian so vulnerable. She's always so cheerful and full of life, her words are full of sass and I've never seen her this weak, so clueless about everything. Her fear for the future spiked a shudder in my spine but I ignore it, I need to calm her down first.

"I'm here Feng Mian, I'll always be here. First, let's get you freshen up and I'll ask my parents to calm yours down okay?" She nodded while I gently ushered her to wash up.

She got downstairs after showering, I let her watch some comedy skits but it was useless, the only thing I can do was to wait for my parents to arrive.

After half an hour, the front door opened and I was on my feet. I took my parents groceries and told them about Feng Mian's visit and her reason for coming.

My parents looked at each other and nodded, they sat down and my mother held Feng Mian's hands.

"We'll try our best Feng Mian, your like our second daughter so of course we will exert our efforts to persuade your parents, hm?" My mother's words seem to comfort Feng Mian and I sighed in relief.

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