Chapter 54

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A girl's day and a talk of love

It didn't take long for class to end and I was already at my wit's end. I knew that whatever he promise, he would do it as he spoke.

And now I'm scared shitless as I swiftly put my things on my messed up bag and didn't wait for Feng Mian and went outside the room.

If he sees me, it's over!

Alas, speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Ying" he said lowly, it was only a word but he already got the attention of the students who were about to leave the room.

I stood still, blocking the doorway as I looked at him with big, terrified eyes. Gulping in nervousness, I slowly walk to the side and immediately took a sprint as if my life was flashing on my very eyes.

Yes, I managed to run at his hawk like prying eyes, but I didn't reach my destination before I was blocked by someone's hands.

Looking at the pale and slender hands, I turned and look at the owner and smiled sheepishly.

"Hehe, Wei Xiu, I thought you didn't see me earlier, hehe"

His eyes were too intense that I feel like it's drilling a hole on my head. I can only walk side step and as soon as I did that, he copied my actions too.

Then I walk to my left side and he did too, then to my right and he walked to his right too! I huff in anger and looked at him with my eyes glowing with anger.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at him, he cocked his head to the side acting like an innocent child.

"What do you mean?" Ha! Continue that act then!

So I summon my inner performing self and acted even though I hate it so much I could feel my teeth gritting in anger.

"Wei Xiu gege, can you please move?" My eyes were open wide as I called him gege with such sweetness it'll make him throw up.

Gege?? It's not like I'm in a high school drama filled with adults aged twenty plus acting like their teenagers on an idol drama!

Honestly, I hate how that word left my lips, it felt like I just smudge my lips with filth. It feels too icky for me and a shiver down my spine happened after saying those forbidden words.

"Gege doesn't want should gege do? Hm?" His voice was unbelievably low at this moment. His eyes were filled with doting and I can feel the heat coming from his frame.

I blinked profusely, ignoring the blaring heat on my cheeks, I pushed his chest and got out of his cage.

"Hmph! Gege is bad!" I acted like a child and run to the gates before he catch me.

I didn't even know how he got ahold of me back then, I just don't want him to see my face blushing further.

It's embarrassing.

Me and Aifen hang out on her room after another day of school ends. Of course I have my parents permission and yes, Wei Xiu's gonna come here after I text my Mom the moem I leave here.

Ugh! He's like a dog!

"Did you understand now?" She asked, her hair is styled in a bun and some strands of her hair was stuck on her forehead.

"I do! It's because you're such a great teacher! I bet you'll become the most sought after teacher after we finish school!"

It's true, there's no doubt on Aifen's capability to teach. She's beautiful, smart and gentle. The perfect teacher that I always dreamed to have.

I bet male students would swarm around her like the flower she is.

"Thanks" she smiled shyly and tucked her hair before biting her lips. Uh-oh. I think we're having a girls talk today- I inched my hand and slowly drop my math book and held her hands.

"What is it?"

She looks around for a second and opened he mouth saying.

"'re close friends with him right?" I frowned, not knowing who she's talking about. "Wei Xiu" and I nodded at her before grimacing.

I can feel it, the subtle looks on her face and the emotions that shows in her eyes.

I think I'm gonna pass out. I don't think I can handle this type of situation.

"Does he have a... girlfriend?"


I knew it!

I feel like Aifen's dad, I mean I was by her side for years and I felt like I was one of her parents.

I just can't give Aifen to that two faced beast named Wei Xiu! I can't! I really can't!

"He doesn't have one" I opted to say the truth, I knew it'll give her a boost but I can't lie to my darling.

Her eyes were a myriad of emotions and I can pick happiness and glee on them, her tense shoulders loosened up and her smile was too sweet for me.

No! My darling is going, willingly, to the beast lair!

"Darling, have you really like him that much?" I asked hesitantly, her ears perked up and a blush adorned her pale cheeks.

Then she nodded.

Ah! No! I can't! I just can't give her to that stinky dog man! She'll suffer, worst, she may get taken advantage of!

I can't even imagine my darling holding hands with that beast! I can't! I just can't!

If that stinking dog layed his predatory claws to my darling or let her cry, I swear to all deities, I'll kill him.

I will really kill him, honestly.

Hi people! How are you! I'm sleepy again, as always. Thank you so much for the comments and the votes!

As always, stay safe and be healthy!


Thank you!

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