Chapter 6

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His spring has arrived


It was a topic that is unusual for me.

Though I guess every teen living in their teenager's life would someday experience the bittersweet feeling of love.

But it was too...alien for me.

I haven't experienced love yet or you know? Falling in love, I have never been in love yet.

I guess I really do not have the time to have a special someone on my life but I can say that I have a lot of crushes.

Well, fictional crushes.

I mean they're hot and they're too...perfect! I mean there's no other living male in here that is too perfect!

Except for Wei Xiu.

But then again, I never thought of him as a male, I just see him as my frenemy.

And now, I think my vision of him has gone a complete 360 now that I see him about to be confessed by a girl.

"Uh....yeah I'm g-gonna leave so bye!" I immediately left the two of them and hid on the other wall.

I want to see a flustered Wei Xiu and maybe, I'll get to see him blushing and all. My phone is already on my hand, itching to be used.

I hid on the back so I can get a picture of Yuu getting embarrassed and use it for my future blackmail.

"My name is Ying Aifen and I'm in class 2 and...I...I really admire so I hope we could be together!"

Geez! That girl is too strong!

But hey, she's beautiful, I think I heard her name before- ah! She's the class beauty of the section 2 class! Really, Wei Xiu is too lucky to have been confessed by her!

On top of that, he was confessed in just a month of being in school!

"Sorry, but I'm prioritizing my studies first"

What? That's bull crap! Prioritizing my ass!

Poor girl- I was about to go out and berate Wei Xiu for hurting a maiden's fragile heart when suddenly, the girl beamed a smile to him.

"Don't worry! I'll do my best to catch up to you and by then, I'll pursue you!"

If I was drinking today, I would have spurted it out of my mouth. Are all girls like her? She's too brave and have a strong mind but I pity her.

She doesn't know how much of a black belly that man named Wei Xiu is.

After a moment, I didn't hear anymore from them and the girl left with a bashful look on her face. Seriously, they were a good pair though.

A cute girl under the shade of the tree with the sunlight casting a natural glow on her sparkling eyes. A handsome jade like man with an ethereal look on his face as he stood straight and tall, towering over the girls small figure.

Seriously! I think I could create a story with them being the male and female lead!

Because I was too busy creating a story on my mind, I didn't notice the sneaking figure of Wei.



Then I dropped my phone.

I dropped it!

I was still in a state of shock when suddenly, Wei Xiu picked my phone up and as soon as I saw it, I immediately burst in anger.

"Zhang Wei Xiu!"

And that sums up how I was lectured by my mother with a phone that is no longer functioning.


"I hate you" I sulk in the corner of my room as Wei Xiu tried to get me to leave my room.

I heard a sigh as I feel the bed sink and without further ado, my whole body was up in the air.

"Zhang Wei Xiu! Ahh! What are you doing?!" I screeched as I kicked with my all being.

"Come on Ying, I'll buy you a new phone"

His words made me stop and smack his chest with a gloating look, as if I won the lotto.

"Really? You would do that? No strings attached?" He nodded at every word I said and I almost hug him but stopped.

I wouldn't do that and would even choke him but this time, I'll let the chance pass since he'll buy me a new phone.

Wei Xiu - 2
Liu Ying- 1

He placed me down on our couch and watch him as he ask for my parents permission to go outside. Since Wei Xiu is practically my mother's favorite, she approves but without nagging me again.

"You better listen to Wei Xiu or else you might get lost again! Don't be too troublesome and don't be to impulsive okay?"

"Mommy! I'm not a child anymore" then my mother gave me the stink eye, see, she doesn't even trust her own blood and flesh!

I dragged Wei Xiu on my own fearing that I might get lectured again by my mother. The two of us took the train and in just 15 minutes, I see myself looking at the large mall in front of me in wonder.

I've never been out without my parents with me so this is a first! Unfortunately, I have a dog that's been following all my actions.

"Come on" I nodded with reluctance and was feeling giddy by myself.

Looking at the insides, I saw people chatting with each other, some of them were couples. There's also a lot of food stalls in here that made my mouth water.

"Ying!" I was sidetracked and almost bump into a woman when Wei Xiu pulled me.

After that little accident, I was held by my hand and was treated like a dog getting on a walk with it's owner.

"Here we are, let's get you the same phone" I agreed with him since I don't need a complicated and big phone.

We succeeded on getting and buying my phone and left the mall. But of course I held him back, my fingers pointing towards the ice cream stall inside the mall.

"Ice cream again? You'll look like a pig then" he said in amusement as I tried to stomp his feet.

"Then I'll just work out like crazy!" I huffed and bought myself an ice cream, eating it in front of Wei Xiu as if taunting him with it.

Then suddenly, he said something that made me cough up with the intention to smack his head with this ice cream of mine.

"Oh, by the way, I bought your phone using your three month allowance. Your parents already agreed to it"

Hi people! Thank you for the 9 reads! The chapters are few but I promise that I will update everyday.

As always.


Thank you!

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