Chapter 53

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A sign to move on or to move forward?

It didn't take too long for us to reach our destination: hell.

Well, it's not like I haven't survived in that hell hole for years, I mean I was about to finish school and then University came. Great. I just love the fact that even though I've finished school, there's still some years left for me to go to school again.

Seriously! I wanted it to end!

Plus, I have someone in here who shines like the brightest star. Wherever he goes, the mass follows.

And there it is! Their stares, the look in their eyes as they watch him from afar with their predatory eyes. Some of the guys can only look at him for a second before avoiding his eyes, they're too intimidated at this guy. The other guys, well, let's just say they're like devotees to him.

"Stay away from me! Keep a distance away!" I hissed at him as he continued to walk closer till he was seen walking side by side with me.

"Why?" He continued to inch closer to me while we walk in the hallways filled with students lingering outside of their room.

I could only walk faster to reach to my destination and there's only a minute to how much strength my legs could get me to my room.

Stares have become a part of me, I mean I have this popular guy with me, sticking closely to my side. So every girls that I met gazes with are filled with envy and anger, it was irritating

Everyone knew that we're 'childhood friends' which I doubt is true, but they still hold animosity at me everytime I'm with him. I'm like what? Is that my fault? You're sulking at the corner while cursing me instead of having some guts to talk to him.

Ah! Women!

Anyway, dating are strictly prohibited in the school, not that I mind it, and a lot of students are still having some relationship with one another. Some of those are the rebels and some were just too in love to follow the policy.

Now, some girls have become monsters. They all crave one prey, Wei Xiu, and all of them have been confessing all month. I mean I understand it, that guy's somewhat perfect and they wanted to have a boyfriend like him before school ends, but really!

At the expense of getting your parents called because of breaking the no dating ban? Seriously!

"I'll see you after school ends" I wasn't able to talk some sense into him when I was pushed into my room, standing there at his actions.

What the actual hell?!

Did he just leave me alone with a pack of wolves waiting to slaughter me?!


"Feng Mian!"

She looked behind her and saw Ming Chen, he was swarming with flies- well women who were buzzing around him as if he was a piece of food.

She didn't want to be late for her art lessons so she turned her back and walked away from him.

She wasn't able to walk five steps when she was whisked away by someone- or rather a person who she abhor.

"What are you doing?" Her eyes were like that of a cat, she looked at him pointedly and raised her hands. "Can you please let go? I have a class to attend to"

She waited for a couple of minutes before loosening it. She didn't waste anymore time and walked away from him, though he walked behind her like a shadow, she didn't mind him no more.

She opened the doorknob and went inside the room. Theres only a couple of students painting their canvas while other seats remain unseated. She took her seat on the back and took her plain canvas before organizing her palette and brushes.

She took a deep breath before dipping some colors and swiping it gently on her plain white canvas. It grew into something larger and before she knew it, she had already painted half of what she was imagining at the moment.

A sky filled with streams of colors, the fields below it shining on one of its crops.

Ming Chen on the other hand was fixated on his spot. He has seen her painting for years, he thought it'll bore him now after some time past by, but it didn't.

His interest grew far more than what he expected.

His eyes never left her face, she was there, painting with a look of concentration. Her eyes are filled with such passion, her hands were nimble and slim, it was too beautiful to look at. Her lips were quirking up, her every expressions were drank by his eyes.

She was the epitome of serenity.

He rubs the back of his head, a sign of distress. He knew what he ws doing, he knew that it'll lead into something that she'll despise even more.

He's a playboy, a womanizer, man whore and whatever he's called. He can't let this go deeper than it was before.

He can't.

He has a reputation to uphold, but he's breaking down. From a single frown on her face, the smallest strand of her hair falling in her have as she paints and the way she bite her lips when she's concentrating.

It was becoming his weakness.

She's becoming his weakness.

Moreover, it will lead to his downfall.

Because the playboy just got himself in love with a man-hater.

Hi people!

Happy father's day Pops!! To all of my readers, happy father's day to you too!

I hope you all had a wonderful day! As always, stay healthy and safe!


Thank you!

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