Chapter 46

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He's acting suspicious and I don't like it!

Wei Xiu is weird.

Yep, I officially grant him the crown for being weird. He's just- he acts too weird for my liking.

Earlier he was too mischievous, always mocking me and then all of a sudden, he was all gentle and freaking- I don't know!

Sweet I guess? Ugh!

After he aggravated me with his words, my parents arrived and welcomed him, warmly! It's as if my mother didn't notice me and hugged Wei Xiu, tightly in her arms, and that guy proceeded to become the perfect son he is.

Seriously! I really believe that I've got switched as a baby!

Soon, my mother told me that Wei Xiu will stay here for like, whenever he wants to. My father just agreed while giving me a smile, really daddy? You always surrender like that to Mom.


Anyways, mom cooked him dinner, mind you my mother wouldn't even go to the kitchen these days since she and my father always go on a date this days. I sat there on the living room, trying to find ways or mistakes to get him kicked out, without my parents intervention.

After he ate, he walked over the living room and sat beside me. As if nothing has happened, he was excited for no reason. He talks animatedly, always making jokes and ends his words with smiles.

Now I'm telling all of you, he is not known to be a talkative person, if he did talk, it's a tease, mock and threat.

He never talks this passionately, he never does!

Also, he's always smiling at me, as if he didn't even remember how mad  I was earlier due to him.

He's very, very suspicious to my liking!

I know that his parents just dumped him to our house for god knows how long and it has taken a toll on him- who am I kidding?!

He loves to be here since he get to be pampered by my mom!

With that thought, I took my pillow and screamed through it, afraid that my parents will hear and would probably scold me.

I lay awake in my bed, tryin to get myself some sleep but I can't. I look at my phone and see that it was already midnight, great!

I really want to scream at him and kick him out of our house but who am I kidding, again?! My mother would probably scold me and tell me how I should be grateful at Wei Xiu's existence and that I should be glad that he stayed with me all these years.

Lovely, thanks mother.

So I can only shut my eyes and prayed for a great morning.

Yep, let's just hope for the best.


Morning comes and I felt like a drunkard. I felt like I just drank a whole beer without stopping, looking in the mirror, I confirmed my thoughts.

My hair is in a disarray manner, like a birds nest. I have eye bags adorning my face and a tired look all over me. Basically, I look like a mess.

I took a shower, a cold one so I can at least get my system going. It did it's work and I was soon given the energy that I needed for today. I came downstairs, my face bare of any chemical products they call 'make up' and sat down.

I chowed down my breakfast, my father looked at me as if I have grown a pair of horns. I must have look terrible, my mother decided to became the loving, gentle mother she is and said.

"You look terrible"

Geez, thanks for stating the obvious, mom.

"What happened?" Wei Xiu asked as he offered me some coffee which I greatly appreciate but I will not say my thanks, I'm that ungrateful.

My mother shot me a look but I just ignored it and continued to ravage my food. Not long after, me and Wei Xiu waved my parents goodbye as I tugged at his sleeve.

"I'm sleepy, guide me again as I sleep walk" I said then held his shoulders behind me as I shut my eyes and walk.

I heard a sigh and then he stopped walking and stoop low making me fall down.

"You shi-"

I thought I'll break my skull and die in a very embarrassing way all because I was deprived of sleep and decided to trust Wei Xiu.

"I'll piggy back you so you can sleep" I didn't even notice how gentle his words are and the look of pampering in his eyes.

He also undid my jacket, since it's a bit cold today and tied it under my waist. I didn't argued more and just stand there with my eyes dropping low.

His hands were gentle as he pulled me up and put his hands on my knee before I was up. He was warm and I snuggled into his large frame, he feels like a bed for me as he walk with careful steps.

All I knew is that I'll get a free piggy back ride and I can sleep all the way to our school.


Soon, I collapsed on his back and held his neck, my face burrowing itself on his shoulder. My eyes naturally shut itself down and went into dreamland.

I didn't know how much time passed by and I felt myself being shaken by someone. I opened my groggy eyes and looked at a familiar eyes.

It felt like I was being sucked at his black pools and before I knew it, I smiled and hugged his neck before saying.

"Mr. Teddy bear!"

Hi people! How's everyone today?! I hope everything is fine and dandy with you!

Thank you for the comments and the votes! Greatly appreciate them! I hope you like this chapter!


Thank you!

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