Chapter 29

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Their unbelievable but also believable reaction!

I have always know that I never really have the knack to act and moreso, to deliver the lines without doing something that will probably make me embarrass for the rest of my life.

So with that, I planned to tell my parents about my supposed project. Of course, they didn't even show that they're listening to my words and just nod at me like I'm just a statue in their eyes.

So I took it in my own hands to say.

"I'll be acting as a villain, with actual lines"

My parents, when I told them that I'll be acting, they seem to looked at me as if I swallowed our beloved pet, Mao Mao.

So I leaned forward, my arms in a cross and say.

"It's true"

They still seem to be in an undenial state so I just patted myself inwardly. At least they knew, so when the time comes that they'll be able to see me doing another theatrical play, they would at least bring a camera and watch.

Just please watch.

"Who is your director?" My mother asked of nowhere so I told them it was my classmate who is in the part of an acting club. "He must be in a difficult situation to chose you"

Wow mother.

I didn't knew that you're mean meter can reach up to 101 degree.


I looked up at my dad and smiled at him, hoping he'll encourage me at the least after all he's still my father. He needs to give me the boost I need that I knew I'll never get from my over realistic mother.

"Sorry little Ying, I think you're director is really desperate to choose you"

What is wrong with my parents!

"I'll show you my act! An act that will definitely blow your minds!" I shouted at them, grievance is evident on my face.

"Sure we would, I bet that we'll be blown up to the point I'll never let you act again"


And that is the end of our conversation, sweet.


I texted Wei Xiu, wanting him to teach me right on this time. Now that I feel like I've been injected with chicken blood, I feel like my body is too full of energy to sleep.

I can't sleep!

I need to act!

I'll show my parents that I can act!

I will!

I'm still waiting for his reply and imagined myself being presented the Oscars award for becoming the Film empress, well, it's just a daydream so why not. Few minutes later, Wei Xiu replied and said "k".


If I didn't knew that he doesn't like texting, I would have think that he's a freaking b*stard.

Anyways, I took my coat with me since it's fall, and dressed myself with a hoody and some sweat pants along with my slippers. My hair's in a messy ponytail and I don't really care.

I've been with Wei Xiu since we were small so I don't really care what I look right now.

Knocking on his house, I was instantly welcomed by Aunt Tang as she smiled at me before closing the door.

"Wei Xiu's showering, you can wait for him in his room"

I nodded at Aunt Tang and just went inside his room, not thinking if his dangerous and inappropriate it was.

I always think of him as a tail that I'll never be able to get off so I don't really have a woman's awareness. I just sat on his bed then lay down, before I came here, I was full of energy and then now, I feel a bit drowsy.

My eyelids feel too heavy for me to ignore so I just closed my eyes. Wei Xiu's clean smell penetrated my sense of smell and made me feel more sleepy than ever.

All I knew was that before losing my consciousness, a soft, warm thing planted itself on my cheeks, and then I was out.

Hair still wet from the shower he did, he stood straight after kissing her white and smooth cheeks. His face was smudged in red, as if a painter has painted his face in red.

His heart was beating so fast, so loud he's afraid that she might hear it.

He didn't knew why he did that but in his heart, he already have the reason for it.

It's just that, looking at the girl who sleeps like a log, her hair on a mess with her mouth open as if awaiting a chicken leg to munch, he smiled ruefully.

She's always like this, without any charms that he sees with other girls, but he's fine with it.

Her unruly hair, her eyes that is always ablaze with anger at him, her lips that will only spout words that can anger him and everyone, it's her charm.

If she did have those charms, she might get taken away by someone, and he know in his head he won't give her away.


Even though she looks like this, even though she's always picking a fight on him, even though her personality is a bit over the edge, he...

He still likes her.

He has always like her.

He can finally admit it now, he likes her.

Not the type of like who likes to bully her.

Nor the type of like that just goes away for a months time.

The type of like that he knew he will never regret.

The type that he knew, he will forever feel for the rest of his life.

Hello people! Tomorrow is the last day for our school works that we will pass to our professors.

You don't know how relieve I am to finally finish it since it's been a week since I've watched and read every topic on my subject.

Anyways, thank you so much for the votes and the comments, even though it's not a lot, I still very, very much appreciate it!


Thank you!

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