Chapter 62

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Hate and remorse between two childhood frenemies

He was too impatient.

What he did was wrong, so entirely wrong and to see his beloved with eyes full of hate made his heart hurt.

It felt like his heart was being squeezed by a hand, so painful and tight. His entire self was trembling and his eyes were filled with remorse.

He was just scared that she would run off and forget.

So he told everyone about their relationship, even though she hasn't responded to his feelings, he decided to tell it to everyone.

He is scared.

Yes, he just made things worse but in his head, he has revealed to everyone his feelings for her.

He regretted telling it to her best friend, Aifen. He was after all selfish, he became too selfish after he told her of his true feelings.

As selfish as he can be, he didn't regret the fact that he just mentioned to every student in the cafeteria that he's Liu Ying's boyfriend.

In fact he felt proud of it albeit with some anger at himself, he couldn't erase the fact that he was happy that everyone knew. At least others won't have a chance to take her away from him. His statement caused everyone to know that Liu Ying is already his.

His to hold hands with, his to kiss and cherish.

Only his.

His selfish, but that's what love does to people, they become selfish without knowing.

They always wanted their special someone's attention, love and care. They are selfish to the point that they wanted their beloved to be with them and only them.

Love is confusing and hard.

Love is something that people say with such confidence and some with a lot of hesitancy.

Love is complex yet easy to have.

And easy to lose.

He shouldn't have decided things without her consent, but he was deeply afraid.

He's a man who has fully control of his emotions, he always plan ahead and cool-headed about everything. But in front of her, he looses his confidence- if there's still left of it.

To think that someone like him, a man treated as a genius by his peers were afraid of such a small and dainty young woman.

He doesn't care about their opinion.

He's entire being was dedicated to loving her.

He doesn't want her to leave him, yet what he just did at that time made her hate him.

The one thing he fears has come true, the feeling of being hated by the person you love.

And it f*cking hurts.


He lied to me.

I didn't know that his parents have already arrived a week later simply because I was too distracted about his confession.

Everytime I shut my eyes, I see Aifen's pained face and that has made me guilty. I couldn't even sleep that night, I was just too scared to see her sad eyes at my dream.

It didn't help that Wei Xiu was still living with us.

My parents knew of our situation and has left the school. Their eyes are a bit serious and I just hope that my mother won't beat me after hearing it.

I'm still a third year high school student and is supposed to be studying and not dating my childhood frenemy.

Alas, we were called down by my parents, Wei Xiu's parents were here too and as soon as I walk downstairs, I could feel their eyes on me.

"Mom" I weakly called her, she nodded and told me to sit.

Silence emerged and I could feel the tension in the air before my mom cuts it.

"Now, let's talk about your relationship with one another"

Gosh, I really don't want to be here hearing both of our parents discussing this kind of topic.

"We will surely punish Wei Xiu for taking advantage of Liu Ying" Aunt Tang said while Uncle Zhang nodded his head grimly.

Aunt Tang! Your words are too ambiguous! It's not like me and Wei Xiu has proceeded to the part of having some kind of.... physical act.

It's not like that!

"Wei Xiu is indeed too hast about this, I think they need some time, separately" my father said which made me do a thumbs up in my head.

Good job father!

"I'm serious about her"

With Wei Xiu's words, everyone was shock in silence. I was even flabbergasted at the situation right now. I thought were supposed to separate! What are you talking about?!

"I trust you Wei Xiu, don't fail me" my father said while my mother nodded with her eyes curved in happiness.

"Naturally, that stinky brat dare to bully my little Ying and he will suffer my wrath!" Aunt Tang said with her eyes ablaze with seriousness.


What are they talking about! How come it changed again into something completely different?!

"Wait a minute! Have you ever asked about my opinion?!" I couldn't help but shout since they were about to discuss which place the wedding ceremony for us will be held.

"Wei Xiu has already informed us, we have also consented to his plan to confess to you" my mother said as she forced me to sat.

I stood still, my heart bursting into anger and before I knew it, I was hurling out words that made everyone's faces speechless.

"Mom why did you do this?! I never even knew of his feelings for me, let alone agreed to it! Is he your son, am I not your daughter?! How could you not ask me?! Do you even see me as your daughter?!"

"Xia Liu Ying!" My mother hissed at me, her face red in embarrassment and I just left.

I walked away and closed the door with a bang before wiping the stray tears that fell from my cheeks.

All I feel was anger and hate towards Wei Xiu.

I really hate him.

Okay people, let's just stay calm okay? We'll make things better after...I don't know how many chapters.

Anyways, thank you for the votes and comments! Seriously! I really, really, really appreciate them!

Stay safe and healthy as always!


Thank you!

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