Chapter 52

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The changes in him

It was all new to me, I mean the fact that he's suddenly all gentle towards me- though he still infuriates me to no end, I couldn't deny the fact that he acted like the perfect gentleman the mass think he was.

I know that with me, he won't hold back his poisonous tounge and let it shoot words that can either make me lose my head in anger or just made me speechless.

Yes, that's right, I think Wei Xiu's a tiny winy- scratch that- he is acting crazy for no reason for the past months!

I knew that with great intelligence comes great responsibility- who cares if its wrong- and with that, the heavens has blessed me.

The heavens are fair, there is no perfect man in this world!

So after that night, my head was full of his words and actions for the past month. It really is shocking for me to see him act like a freaking kind friend when he's nowhere near that- well sometimes but his actions and words are a bit too evil for my liking.

Anyways, I haven't slept well after receiving a goodnight kiss on my forehead, in turn I was wide awake, ready for his craziness to be over.

But it didn't, so when I woke up after a three hour sleep, my mind was in between daze and awake. I cleaned myself and got refreshed from the shower and continued to go down after dressing myself up for another day to school.

"Good morning Mommy, Daddy" I said with such low vitality that made them looked at me along with the prying eyes of Wei Xiu.

"Goodness, what made you so engrossed to over look your favorite thing: sleep? Tell me, are you still my daughter?"

Geez, thanks for the concern mom.

"Just studying" I murmured in reply.

"You- ai, your father knows that you wanted to study but do not force yourself too much or else you'll get sick again" my father said as he looked at me with pointed eyes.

My mother suddenly looked up and when I met her gaze, she opened her lips and said. "Just be healthy, that's all we ask of you" she said then held my hand so tight I could feel it in my bones.

My mother knew of the events that happened in my past such as the time where I got too stressed out about school and suddenly collapsed from too much studying. It's normal here but my parents knew that I hate studying, to do this kind of thing is a red flag for them.

They knew that I'm insecure at my grades and feel pressured to be the same as other kids: studying and applying for a well known University and get a job from a prominent company.

It's hard, well, life is harder.

We finished breakfast after my parents said everything to comfort me, it did work well though and I feel my mood lightening up.

I closed the door after saying goodbye to my parents and walk beside Wei Xiu. I didn't no, I couldn't even look him in the eye in fear of having such crazy thoughts that will be filled up once I look at him.

I didn't want too much problem for myself but I guess that fate....just love to create more for me.

"Why are you avoiding my gaze?" He said with seriousness and instantly, flashes of memories yesterday night popped to me head.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about- oh look! An airplane!" I pointed at the invisible airplane and prayed to the heavens that he would look at it.

And he didn't.

"Airplane? Really? Do you think I'm still a child to believe that?"

"Even if you're a child you wouldn't even believe it" I muttered underneath my breath but he seemed to caught my words.

"Really?" He arched his brows and I find myself backing away from his leaning form.

He's too close! Stay away from me you dog, silly man!

"Why? Feel scared that I might attack you? Again?" His eyes were too bright for me so I avoided it and looked at the trashcan beside me with great interest.

Yep, what a good trashcan, it's red with black lines-

Then all of a sudden, I feel a warm grip on my chin as it gently forced me to look up. There I saw his eyes filled with tenderness, as if he was looking at a precious thing, as if the world has only me and that's all that he could see.

It was never wracking, that few seconds he lifted my eyes up to the point that he looked at me straight without baring his true self.

I didn't know what to do at that time, I think I shut my eyes close and my hands on a fist, clenching tightly on my skirt.

I was being suffocated at his scent, it was his natural scent, a bit mild and at the same time, intoxicating me.

I could feel his figure shadowing my small lithe one, he was encasing me by his own body, I was too scared to open my eyes.

Too scared to let my thoughts run towards a certain thought that I knew will end my entire vision towards him.

So I decided to close my eyes and act naive at his ambiguous actions towards me and for a moment, his breath fell on my face and I tensed up.

Then a soft touch was placed on my forehead for no longer than five seconds before it was gone.

Then I opened my eyes and pointed my fingers, trembling at his actions.


"I'm what?" He ask with arrogance that made me snap at him.

"You stinking dog! You dog man! You rogue-"

"Trust me, I'm still far from the word rogue, but I can still show you what it means"

Of course I did what I was good for, beating him till he retain his sanity. It was a good fight now that he didn't even flinch when I strongly punched him in the shoulder.

"If you dare do this again I'll castrate you!" I threatened him and left him, my foot stomping at every step as I ignored his continued gaze at me.

I felt like I was an owner with a dog calling me out repeatedly for a pet.

Yep, he's not a pet, he's a beast.

"Hmph! Last night was for comforting so I didn't think too much about it! Don't you dare do that again or else I'll-"

"You'll what?" He challenged me again and for a second, I was at a loss.

I mean I can still fight him but what if one day he retaliated? What if he- no- I have an alias underneath my sleeves, I still have Aunt Tang with me!

"Don't you dare try to retaliate or I'll tell Aunt Tang! Even if you're her true and biological son I doubt that she'll prefer you over me. But my mom's fond of you- ah shoot! I should..." I continued to ramble, the thoughts of him pecking my forehead yesterday and today was long forgotten.

I didn't even notice the tight clench on his fist slowly untangling itself from his tight hold.

Hi people! How are you for today?! Did you like this chapter?!

Liu Ying is a forgetful person like me so, I think that she forgot about it in denial. Anyways, lend me your thoughts!

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