Chapter 61

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Confession time

Feng Mian never told me who confessed to her and I didn't tell that I, was confessed by a certain someone too.

I think it'll just make things messier than it was.

Even so, I have a hunch on who it was. I mean he doesn't particularly hide his fondness of Feng Mian, just by looking at him and you will notice it.

I wasn't an observant person but everytime I look at him, his eyes held her and always followed her wherever she goes.

It didn't take long for me to notice his feelings for Feng Mian.

Now, there's a slight- no- a very big tension surrounding our table. We're currently eating on the school's cafeteria and with everything that has happened, everyone except Aifen acted awkwardly.

Of course my dear Aifen would notice our stuff atmosphere. So, we are now faced with her question that nobody wanted to answer.

"So...why is everyone so...tense?"

So I took the bullet and responded.

"We're just...too tense from tests"


How awful was that answer! I mean the three of them obviously won't have too much of a hard time when it's exam day except me.

Her eyes still appeared to be confused and I gulped and continued.

"It's true"

Ah! I want to shoot myself!

Seriously, you have one job Liu Ying! One job and you ruined it!

Her brows are lifted in question and was about to open her mouth to say something when Wei Xiu interrupted her.

"Me and Liu Ying are dating"

What the actual hell!

My eyes blazed in fury as I looked at my darling's frozen figure. Her eyes were dark and some few tears had fell down her cheeks without her knowing.

She wiped it in a flash and stood up, her trembling figure ran away from the cafeteria and her shadow was no longer seen.

Ming Chen and Feng Mian sat with their eyes wide open, they seemed to become still like the students in here.

I sat there with my hands fisted and nails engraved into my skin. Wei Xiu looked at me while I glared at him in fervor.

"What did you do?!"

I hissed at him, the students that we're eating in the cafeteria have their eyes on our table. I didn't see the shock on their eyes nor the envy and anger that the girls felt.

All I saw was red.

My anger has reached to the point that I wanted to strangle him with my own hands. I had never felt this anger before and now, I didn't know what to think.

All I feel is tremendous anger that's threatening to surge out of my body. So I did the best choice and just thought to leave.

I stood up and didn't wait for Feng Mian and Ming Chen then left.

I don't think I'll be able to sit there and eat without killing him first.


Because of Wei Xiu's words in the cafeteria, the rumor of us being together spread like wild fire. Even the teachers have heard about it and told us to go and talk to them.

I already know what they'll say and I'm not ready to see Wei Xiu today.

I really can't believe how stupid he was when he spoke those words to Aifen and let the others hear it.

Soon, I found myself seating on the couch waiting for Wei Xiu to arrive and there he is. The main star of this day and appeared!

If my eyes were laser he would already be chopped into prices. I can hear myself chanting underneath my breath to not kill him.

Let's wait until there's none is present here to see the upcoming murder.

"I think you already know what we're going to all about"

We both nodded and he started his lecture. Basically, our parents will be asked to come to the school. We would also have to be temporarily separated with each other and that we can think of our future and should not have any relationship or whatsoever.

It didn't really matter to me because his words just went to my left ear and pass to my right ear.

I didn't want to come here and listen to this but there's nothing I can do but to comply.

After that, he was satisfied to see that we look like we're mulling about our future. It didn't take long for us to be released and after that, I walked away from him.

But of course it didn't happen that way. He took my wrist and forced me to look him in the eyes before he whispered.

"I'm sorry"

I didn't respond and he seemed to realize that I'm truly angered at his action earlier for he released by wrist and apologized again.

"You're sorry won't reverse what already happened" I spat in bitterness before leaving him with his face filled with remorse.

I don't have the confidence to stay calm around him.

Nor I have the confidence to say that I hate him.

I really don't.

Hey short chapter! Hope you like it though!

I'm a bit sleepy haha, so I hope you don't mind the grammatical errors and if there are, please comment down to correct them thank you!

Always stay healthy and safe people!


Thank you!

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