Side Note

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Hey! Thank you so much for choosing my book!

You don't have to read this if you don't want to. Just scroll or flip to the next chapter where the story begins.

This is my first EVER book so don't judge me if it's terrible. Well you can judge me but I would prefer if you keep your judgements to yourself. I accept constructive criticism but not rude people.

I can't control what people comment so all I can say is please try and be considerate to me and anyone else. In this book and in life in general.

Not going to lie but this book will probably have loads of spelling errors and if you find a plot hole you win the prize of being a complete and utter smarty pants. *quietly applauds you*

My friend, and yes I actually have a friend (notice the singular 'friend' and not plural friends), told me to start an account and I was like, why not? So here I am!

I love good werewolf books and loads of supernatural type things so if you have any recommendations they would be greatly appreciated.

Uhh...I hope you enjoy the book. This book is completely made up by my extraordinarily dull mind but if it sounds similar to any other book that was not my intention at ALL. All I can say is my baaaaaaad. 🤷‍♀️

Now go forth and enjoy! Xx

*Dramatically swings cape over shoulder to exit*

*Trips on cape*

*Laughs and plays it off cool, backing out the door backwards*

*Accidentally falls through window*

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