Chapter One New Nanny

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Oh I didn't know it would be this big. Looking out the window from the uber I that stop at the gate with a few guards standing in front of it. I got out the car thanking the driver and getting on my phone making sure I gave the nice old man a five star he was really friendly, by the way. Putting my phone in my pocket while I held my resume tight I walk up towards the two man that stood by the gate. One on the left move up meeting me holding his hand out, I gave him my paper assuming he's looking over it since he held the paper in his eye view. He looks at the other man who was on the right and nodded his head, his partner put some type of pin which cause the gates to open. My resume was gladly handed back to me as the man who held it started walking in and motion me to follow. Looking around I watch some of the gardeners tending to the front yard some maids was around picking flowers as well. A small smile crossed my lips as I continue to scan the seancery, this place seems perfect to work in very peaceful and pretty who knew a CEO of a company would have such a pretty place to stay in you would think he would be a female.

Opening the door for me I step into a spotless modern area, the floors were white marble and the walls were cream color while the edges you spot a bit a gold. Plants rest on a black slick table in the center while two books were stacked on it. Next to it was a clip black clipboard that had a piece of paper and a gold pen. The man who guided me here pointed towards it and I walk over picking up the pen signing myself in writing the time as well. I heard someone clear their throat and I turn seeing a beautiful women her complexion was fair tone that shine a little her deep brown hair was up in a neat bun showing her light brown eyes. Her shape was perfect like a coke bottle almost, you could tell the women had make up on but it was natural though. She wore a flowy yellow dress and a tan sun hat to match with her wedges she had on. I gave her a sheepish smiled before hearing her spoke.

"You are here for the Nanny position yes?" She asked you could tell she had a bit of an accent but I couldnt really put my finger on what it was. I was about to respond but before I could I felt a hand gently push me forward towards the stairs, looking back It was the nice guard he gave me a small smile before I whipped my head back putting my attention back towards the female. Follow me. She turned around walking up half the steps as I followed, but I am not here for the nanny position I am here for the maid one, I even sent in a notice. They probably lost it , oh well thats alright I do have someone what experience watching kids. "How did you hear about the job?" She ask and was walking fast quickly, I try to keep up with her somehow was having a problem with doing that with theses brown flats. These floors are very clean ..slippery clean.

"Oh the position?" I was looking down before bumping into something and that something was her. I back up and smile a little watching her stare at me. Shes tall, tilting my head trying to guess her height. She looks about 5,10 its the wedges gotta be. Im 5,6 though so what do I know.

"I dont like to repeat myself." She stated and shoot me a glare, I tighten my hand around my resume and nod quickly clearing my throat.

"I overheard about it at my previous work place ah um the Heights Hotel a few men sounded distress and just asked me am I looking for a different job so I-" Once again I was cut off by her sighing and rolling her eyes before they drop back on me I felt small why is she so intimidating.

"Didnt asked for your life story." She looked me up and down causing me to shuffle a bit where I was standing. Ugh come on Marya get a grip your like 33 years old this woman probably in her 20s grow a backbone would ya. "Who sent you?" That should be an easy question to answer. She said turning around and started to walk again as I followed her behind.

"Oh umm if I can remember his name was something like Safrnove?" I raised an eyebrow hoping to pronounce it right, I already feel as though I embarrassed myself enough today.

"Safronov." The lady pronounce the name right and that right there ring a bell I hummed nodding my head in response, letting her know that's right when she looks back at me. Looking me up and down again she rolled her eyes and then nod looking forward as we stop at this white door both plants on each side in a black and gold vase. A golden retriever laid there with its eyes closed I smiled a little, awee the doggy sleeping the female whistle grabbing the dogs attention waving her hand trying to shoo it away. The dog didnt listen earning a sigh from the women she looked back at me holding her index finger up before heading inside. The golden retriever followed in as the women close the door, I stood her looking around I move closer to the left looking out the big window seeing the maids talking to one another as a small amount of time go pass I was staring off before hearing the door open which grab my attention the women step out looking at me and motion me to head inside.

I quickly walked over and look at her once again before heading in before hearing the door shut behind me. The inside was very different from the outside, the walls was a chocolate color the floors was a dark brown hard wooden floor bringing my eyes back up there were some expensive looking paintings hanging up. While there are two bookcases on the left and right side of the room. Looking across there are two black chairs and a desk and someone sitting at the other side of the desk reading some papers was a male. His hair looking like it was slick back in a ponytail? I tilt my head slightly to get a better look at his hair which is a brown color but had some blond in it too .. I think but was completely distracted by his beard which fitted nice with his look and facial structure. I jump in the inside seeing that I met with his grey eyes, I walked over and sat in a seat across from him. He had on a white button up but the top two were undone which showed I am assuming some of his tattoos, snapping me out of my head his hand was out and I blink before a light bulb pop in my head and I gave him my resume. Quiet ...its so quiet and smells like coffee in here, I look at his desk seeing a small plate and a half eaten is that cheese cake!?

"Do you work good with children?" A deep husky voice drag me out of my mind and I blink looking at him. Wow his accent is thiccccccck.

"I believe so sir but I did send in a notice wanting the maid position though." I try my best to speak up but my anxiety made it a little hard.

"Position is full, How long have you work with kids?" He asked the next question and I actually had to think. I didnt work with kids growing up I lived with my grandmother and all my listen cousins I use to just help her babysit.

"Eleven years I believe so." I answered honestly and he nod his head putting my resume down. I took a deep breath trying to relax a little everything in this place look to expensive, If I lean back the chair would probably break.

"You cook, clean? Know how to keep up with a seven year old?" He then asked which threw me off completely because he looks at least twenty four what is he doing with a seven year old child?

"Yes." I blurted out by mistake and he leaned back staring at me for a moment, I started to feel self conscious a little so I slightly pulled on my grey sweater. I look down scanning my jeans as well trying to see if I actually underdress for this interview, I should of wore a suit. How if I didnt own any damn I need to buy a suit.

"You can start today which I have you know that means you will be moving in, the head maid will show you, your living quarters and will give you your own work schedule on tending to my son. His name his Makar I am counting on you to take good care of him while you are staying here." He said and I blink a couple of times, staying here?

"I am grateful that you hired me I really am but have an apartment I cant just leave and not pay my landlord. Plus I dont have anything personal care with me." I try to reason and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Ill take care of it, I dont have time for potential staff being late for work so while you get settled later give your information and all should be good understand Marya?" He ask which I feel as though he most definitely ignoring this whole situation. I nod my head though since I know the Job pays good money so I can actually save up and get a house I was planning on. Yea I do it that way maybe living under your boss roof cant be that bad, this is slightly normal right?

A knock was made on the other side of the door before coming in, a maid who wore a genuine smile on her face came in with a tray walking over picking up the cheesecake and replacing it with a sandwich and crackers side with a couple of fruits.

Show Marya around the house and take her measurements shes the new nanny.

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