Hogwarts a real peoples mystery

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Ron and Harry and Hermione were friends since first year and time has flown by. It is now 4th year and the golden trio are already known for being trouble makers. Things all start to change for our certain red head boy Weasley when important papers get switched up and it causes problems.

It was a few weeks into the 4th year and Blaise had been given a chance to talk or more like write with another student from Hogwarts to see what another house is like. He was supposed to get one from a Ravenclaw but papers got mixed and it seems to have been switched to our red head Gryffindor.  See Ron was never expected to get a letter but one faithful afternoon he received one. It was the most fancy writing he'd ever seen. He decided he would write back to the person.

Letter from Blaise

Hello new pal of mine,
It is with great pleasure that I get to write you. I know it may be scary and you might not trust me but all in due time we both will get adjusted to it. I am a male from slytherin. As previously told we can't say our names just yet but I look forward to hearing from you
Most condolences your new pal

The letter was short but very nice and neatly written. Ron appreciated how civil the slytherin seemed to be. So he wrote back as neatly as he could

Ron's letter

Hello slytherin pal,
I don't think I was suppose to get any letter but I would be glad to write you back. You have nice hand writing and you seem too nice to be a slytherin. By the way I'm a gryffindor and I'm also a male. But whatever happens I hope this works out.
Your new pal gryffindor

And with the beginning exchange of letters they began to talk. Little did they know talking leads to understanding and understanding leads to something more.

[Updated edit]

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