Beneath Moonless Skies

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"Why am I being kept in the dark?Do I deserve this?I wanna see the light. I wanna be in the light but you keep on hiding me."

"Never in my wildest dreams that I'll have you even in the dark."

"Time is cruel to us isn't it?"

"It is telling us something. Telling us that all this happiness is wrong. We'll see the light but not together."

"That may be our destiny."

An affair kept in the dark. A love story that wanted to see the light. Two icons falling in love but continuously tricked by so-called fate and tested by time. Nobody can see what's happening, nobody can foresee the unexpected twists and turns, beneath moonless skies.

A/N: Hey guys, after I did a PeRyl story, here is a ChAndy story and let me remind you all that almost everything that will be written here is PURELY FICTIONAL and if you guys will get offended, you are free to DM me.

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