BMS - 3

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Andy joined Cher in her last days of tour and after every show, the two of them will just talk. Talk about everything about their life and random things. Cher found a best friend in him for she felt comfortable around him but of course, Paulette will always be her bestest friend. Andy on the other hand, he have found the comfort he needed with Cher. He like the comfort and the feeling of being safe around her for she is always there to listen to him.

"What's your plan when you get home?"Cher asked for it is their very last day and they are currently in Cher's hotel room with wine beside them.

"I don't know. I mean, I just go home for my kids and not for her anymore."Andy answered and Cher looked at him.

"How about try talking to your wife with your problem?It doesn't have to lead to an argument. Why not lead it to making love, you know."Cher suggested and Andy huffed.

"Tried it before. Didn't work."Andy uttered.

"So what?You really are going to push through separation?"Cher asked for she remember their conversation the other night.

"Yeah. It's the best for us and for the kids."Andy answered, sounding disappointed.

"Andy, it may be best for you and your wife but think about your kids. Your youngest is still young. He won't be able to take it."Cher said and Andy shook his head.

"Look, I'm also disappointed because I thought we're both living in a fairy tale and no matter what happens, we'll still be together but that's not the case. Our marriage is fucked up and I'm tired of trying to fix it because I know that I can't fix it anymore."Andy said and he wanted to cry.

"What will happen with the kids?"Cher asked almost a whisper.

"I'll fight for them."Andy answered and Cher just looked at him.

"God, I feel like a failure. No, no, I am a failure. I failed to hold my family together."Andy said and because of his thought, he is raging, and that made him squeeze the wine glass hard.

"I failed."Andy cried out and the glass suddenly broke in his hand that shocked Cher.

"Andy, what are you doing?!"Cher asked as she rush towards him. She grabbed his hand and she started picking up the shattered glass on his bleeding hand.

"Are you crazy?"Cher asked almost a shout and she guided Andy to the bathroom to wash the blood off. She grabbed the medicine box and started treating his wounds but Andy is still not saying anything.

"You're not a failure. Maybe it is not really that meant to be. You are meant to be a father but not really with her."Cher said softly as she wrap a gauze bandage around his hand.

"Too tight?"She asked and he shook his head.

"Just don't move it too much the next days."She said and she stood beside him, leaning on the countertop. Andy suddenly hugged her, burying his face on her neck and it made her jolt but she just let him be. She knows that her friend is frustrated, sad, angry.

"Hey, you are not failure remember that. Maybe ending your marriage will make you a better person because I know that you are a great father, you really are. Don't be so hard on yourself."Cher said and she started brushing his hair.

"I love my kids. I don't wanna hurt them."Andy uttered.

"I know, I know."Cher whispered and she can hear Andy sniffing. She felt bad because she knew almost everything Andy, especially his fatherly side and she knows that Andy just wants everything that's good for his kids.

"They will understand okay?I know your kids are smart because their father is smart."Cher said softly.

"Can I just be with you?"Andy suddenly asked and Cher's eyes went round.

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