BMS - 24

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After her tour ended and after seeing Andy and his wife on her last day of tour, Cher decided to just simply focus on her twins and nothing more.

"What is going to be your children's surname?"Pauly suddenly asked as they rest after their workout.

"Mom and I talked about it and we're sticking with La Piere."Cher answered.

"What are you gonna do if Andy found out that you're pregnant?"Pauly asked and Cher rolled her eyeballs.

"No one knows that I'm pregnant except for the crew, the family, the Brosnans, your family, Loree, and the Starks. I trust everyone that knows I'm pregnant, how can he even know?"Cher asked.

"When you already gave birth!"Pauly exclaimed.

"Pauly, we've been planning on how to be not followed at the hospital and in the hospital for like a month now. Nobody will know that I had kids, not until I wanted to show them in the public eye."Cher said and Pauly nodded.

"Don't forget your baby shower tomorrow, by the way. Your neighbors won't be able to go but their kids will be here."Pauly said and Cher nodded.

"I'm excited to know their genders."Cher said and Pauly giggled.

"Me, too."Pauly replied.

"Oh, shut it, Paulette. You and Gee know their genders already."Cher said and Paulette laughed.

"But I'm still excited."Pauly said and Cher just rolled her eyeballs at her.

"My babies are really growing. Compared to my last day on tour, I'm way way way bigger."Cher said and the two of them laughed.

"As long as they're healthy."Pauly said and Cher nodded with a hum.

"Oh yeah, they are."Cher said and Pauly smiled.

It is Cher's gender reveal party and Pauly and Gee Gee are the ones who organized it. Her friends that know she is pregnant are there except for Meryl and Pierce, who needed to work but Benjamin and Beatrice are there. They can't miss the party.

In a gender reveal party, you are suppose to wear white but Cher is not in the mood to wear white that's why Georganne and her are having an argument.

"Just wear white for the party. You are not gonna wear it for like the whole night, you stupid."Georganne uttered.

"But I don't feel like wearing white today."Cher whined and Gee Gee rolled her eyeballs.

"Are you kidding me?Just wear them for your babies, not for you."Gee Gee said and Cher heaved a deep sigh.

"Just tell me their genders and I'll sleep. This is annoying me."Cher said and Gee Gee did a facepalm.

"Cher, c'mon, just do it!"Gee Gee yelled and Cher rolled her eyeballs at her.

"Fine. I hate you."Cher said as she go to her closet to change her clothes.

"The people that we invited are arriving so yeah, I'll be downstairs!"Gee Gee yelled before heading out of her room.

Cher headed to where her guests are after a few moments and they all just started greeting her with the gentle rubs on her baby bump.

"Do you guys have guesses on what their genders are?"Cher asked.

"Girls!"Some of them yelled.

"Boys!"The other half yelled that made Cher giggle.

"Alright guys, before we do all our gender reveal thingy, dinner is served."Pauly suddenly announced.

"Benjamin, Bey, come with me at my table. Your parents are going to kill me if you're not going to eat."Cher said when she saw the two Brosnan kids just roaming around.

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